TOKYO — Japan's Coast Guard saved all 64 Chinese seamen from their burning cargo ship, as the two nations remain locked in an acrimonious dispute over contested islands. The coast guard was alerted by Taiwan authorities late Saturday about a fire on ...
A sailor, mariner, or seaman is a person who navigates water-borne vessels or assists in their operation, maintenance, or service. The term can apply to professional mariners, military personnel, and recreational sailors as well as a plethora of other uses. Etymologically, the name preserves the memory of the time when ships were commonly powered by sails, but it applies to the personnel of all vessels, whatever their mode of locomotion.
Professional mariners hold a variety of professions and ranks which are fairly standard, with the exception of slight naming differences around the world. Common categories by department include the Deck department, the Engineering department, and the Steward's department. Mariners can also be categorized by status as senior licensed mariners or unlicensed mariners.
A number of professional mariners have left the industry and led noteworthy lives in the naval services or on the shore. For example, Traian Băsescu started his career as a third mate in 1976 and is now the President of Romania. Arthur Phillip joined the Merchant Navy in 1751 and 37 years later founded Sydney, Australia. Merchant mariner Douglass North went from seaman to navigator to winning the 1993 Nobel Prize in Economics.
- One who serves in a navy or works on a ship.
- One who travels by water.
- A low-crowned straw hat with a flat top and flat brim.
- a goo/bad sailor ---good SAILOR:不怕風浪者
a good sailor
出處: 董顯光著《日笑錄‧胡適序》台北:大林,1955/1977二版,頁四
在 The New Oxford American Dictionary : ( a good /bad sailor ) a person who rare (or often) becomes sick at sea in rough weather.
IN BRIEF: Seaman, a person who is at the helm or a passenger in a boat or ship.