2016年12月19日 星期一

take stock, ever-changing/ever-shifting, ever-larger

Chinese Become Ever-Larger Tourism Force in New York

With more than 950,000 visitors from China this year, a sevenfold increase since 2007, the city says it still has work to do to expand its appeal beyond group tours.

If the World Were Run Like Airlines
Sandwich Prices Would Spike at Peak Hours and 'Priority' Elevators at the Hotel Would Cost Extra


Imagine if airlines ran restaurants. We'd live in a world where a half sandwich, the equivalent of a one-way ticket, might cost two times as much as a whole sandwich.

The airline way of doing business is unique—few other businesses have as many rules and restrictions, taxes and fees, frustrations and disruptions. Not many other businesses have such varied and ever-changing pricing for their products. And rare is the business that hits its customers with penalties of hundreds of dollars.

Why so different? Airlines face a unique set of challenges, including easy world-wide comparison shopping, high equipment costs, complicated contract ...

- Ruhr Region’s 2010 European Cultural Capital Highlights

One year, 10 million visitors and 5,500 events later, it’s time for the
region to look back and take stock.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

  1. 1.
    at any time.
    "nothing ever seemed to ruffle her"
  2. 2.
    at all times; always.
    "ever the man of action, he was impatient with intellectuals"

take stock
Make an estimate or appraisal, as in We have to take stock of our finances before we can undertake a new project, or The career counselor advised Mark to take stock before changing his plans. This expression transfers making an inventory of goods (stock) to other kinds of appraisal. [Early 1800s]

Definition of ever-shifting


constantly changing, especially in an unpredictable way:a kaleidoscopic vision of an ever-shifting landscape
