2021年3月22日 星期一

condiment, mayonnaise, super-salad

In Russia, the more mayonnaise you put in a salad, the better. From 1843 magazine

Experts have found that the condiment can help water retention if mixed with water and spread over soil 專家已發現這種佐料與水混合,灑到土裡後,有助於保持水分。
UPDATE 3-Japan court rejects Steel Partners appeal Reuters - USA Full Bio TOKYO, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Japan's top court has rejected an appeal by Steel Partners to block anti-takeover moves by condiment maker Bull-Dog Sauce ... Hellmann's mayonnaise is scheduled to launch on Yahoo's Food section an entertainment video series designed to subtly promote the condiment.


"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."Truman Capote


(kŏn'də-mənt) pronunciation n. 佐料 調味品

A substance, such as a relish, vinegar, or spice, used to flavor or complement food.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin condīmentum, from condīre, to season.]

Seasoning added to flavour foods, such as salt, or herbs and spices such as mustard, ginger, curry, pepper, etc. Although some are relatively rich in nutrients, they are generally used in such small quantities that they make a negligible contribution to the diet (but see curry powder).


━━ n. 薬味.

やくみ 3 0 【薬味】

(1)風味を増し、食欲を刺激するために添える野菜や香辛料。ねぎ・わさび・しょうが・唐辛子(とうがらし)など。 (2)薬の原料。薬の種類。 「この上は―を明かして、すひ合せて見ようか/狂言記・膏薬煉」
