2022年8月16日 星期二

luminous. luminous rotundas, tondo, rotunda, distinction, squarely, distinct, distinctive, rotund,

<strong>Maurizio Cattelan: All</strong> A retrospective of the Italian artist at the Guggenheim Museum has a display of 128 works that hang from the rotunda.
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

A Suspension of Willful Disbelief

A distinction of the Guggenheim’s retrospective of the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan is that the pieces — 128 in all — hang from near the top of the museum’s rotunda.

Burnham and Root’s 1888 Rookery Building is a Chicago landmark and contains one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s most dramatic interior compositions.
Tour the luminous central light court with us Monday through Friday. https://bit.ly/2VFX6Em


When the language of reality becomes distinct and distinctive, through the mutual elucidation and articulation of all the sights within the frame.

Taiwan needs junk food law to cope with plump children
China Post
According to a recent survey released by the Child Welfare League Foundation (兒福聯盟文教基金會), Taiwanese children watch on average 8,325 junk food advertisements per year, or one every six minutes. This rate jumps to one soft drink, instant noodle ...

This tondo shows the Virgin as the Madonna of Humility, seated on the ground with the Christ child on her knee. Two wingless angels flank her and look down in quiet contemplation of the foreground saints. At right is Cecilia, the patron saint of music.
"Piero di Cosimo: The Poetry of Painting in Renaissance Florence" runs through May 3: 1.usa.gov/1D025gY.
Piero di Cosimo, "Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Cecilia (?) with Two Angels," c. 1505 -1510, oil on panel, The Art Institute of Chicago, Lacy Armour Fund

rotund, rotunda, Luminous Rotundas
A Brief History of Rome's Luminous Rotundas:http://archdai.ly/1LpHSH5

Dictionary: ro·tund (rō-tŭnd'pronunciation
  1. Rounded in figure; plump. See synonyms at fat. ~ belly
  2. Having a full, rich sound; sonorous.
[Latin rotundus.]

Dictionary: ro·tun·da (rō-tŭn'pronunciation
  1. A circular building, especially one with a dome.
    1. A large area with a high ceiling, as in a hotel lobby.
    2. A large round room.
[Italian rotonda, from feminine of rotondo, round, from Latin rotundus. See rotund.]
n. - 圓形建築, 圓形大廳

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 円形建築物, 円形大広間

  • 発音記号[routʌ'ndə]

1 (特に丸屋根のある)円形建築物.
2 (高い丸天井の)円形大広間.

round building or room, especially one with a dome.

rotund (ro-TUND)

1. Plump; fat.
2. Round in shape.
3. Having a full-toned, resonant sound.

From Latin rotundus (round), from rota (wheel). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ret- (to run or to roll), which is also the source of rodeo, rotunda, rotate, rotary, roulette, and orotund.

"The famously rotund Drew Carey has lost 80 pounds." — Pamela Sitt; Reality Show Shake-ups; Kansas City Star; Aug 3, 2010.

"A few years ago, Japanese watermelon lovers suddenly found the normally rotund fruit sitting squarely on the shelves of supermarkets." — Piali Banerjee; Food or Fool's Paradise?; The Times of India (New Delhi); Oct 19, 2003.

"With his rich, rotund voice, Jonathan Lemalu has thrilled audiences around the world." — Christopher Moore; Powerful Accolades; The Press (Christchurch, New Zealand); Jul 26, 2006.

Apple Patent Fight: Google in Cross Hairs
Apple is flexing its legal muscle more squarely at Google in another patent fight against Samsung Electronics.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[skwéərli]

1 四角に;角張って;直角に.
2 まっ正面に, まっこうから, まっすぐに;正直[公平, 公正]に;きっぱりと
look squarely at a person
refuse to answer squarely


音節dis・tinct 発音記号/dɪstíŋ(k)t/音声を聞く
(distinct・er; distinct・est)
Mules and donkeys are distinct animals. ラバロバまったく別の動物だ.
【叙述的用法の形容詞】 〔+from+()〕〔…とは〕性質[種類]が異なって.
Mules are distinct from donkeys. ラバロバとは違う.


音節dis・tinc・tive 発音記号/dɪstíŋ(k)tɪv/音声を聞く
(more distinctive; most distinctive)
a distinctive taste 特有の味.
【叙述的用法の形容詞】 〔+of+()〕〔…の〕特色を示して.

noun (plural tondi ˈtɒndi)

circular painting or relief.


Late 19th century: from Italian, literally 'round object', from rotondo 'round', from Latin rotundus.
