2021年8月29日 星期日

evangelize, sell (PERSUADE), impeccable, stew / S.T.E.W.


Charlie Watts 1941–2021

A prodigiously gifted musician who shunned the limelight and a dapper English gent whose unflashy drumming for over 50 years provided the perfect backdrop for Mick and Keith to strut their stuff. He may have been a reluctant “rock star” but Charlie had an innate cool, a photogenic charisma. The man who kept the beat so impeccably will be missed.


The effort started in 2003, when Salesforce.com launched Sforce, a set of tools to help companies develop some Web-based services. Last year, it created the AppExchange, an online store where customers could access the services from companies building on its platform, and Apex, a programming language that made it easier to get such services to function.

But so far, the company has had only modest success in evangelizing its platform efforts.

Customers don't stew at Stew Leonard's, where the customer is always right -- just ask the customer who got a refund for the turkey she burned. While singing milk cartons and farm animals amuse the kids, three US locations sell a selection of dairy products, juice, wine, and meats to some 300,000 people weekly. Stew Leonard's also offers catering services and online sales. The company produces its own milk and is thought to sell more orange juice than any other store in the world. Charles Leonard began bottling milk in 1924; his son Stew built the first retail store in 1969. Stew Leonard and his family, including CEO Stew Jr., own Stew Leonard's.

Company Perspectives:
Our philosophy is built upon the initials of our name--S.T.E.W. The S stands for satisfy the customer--it is everyone's most important job. The T stands for Teamwork, because teamwork makes it happen! The E stands for Excellence; excellence makes it better and assures great quality and freshness in everything we do. Finally, the W stands for WOW--the WOWs are all the fun reasons that Stew Leonard's is a great place to shop AND to work

The incident took place on Sunday about 75 miles off the coast of Hainan Island, just south of the Chinese mainland. The American vessel, the Impeccable, was carrying out a surveillance mission that involved towing sonar equipment designed for anti-submarine warfare, Pentagon officials said.

2. Are Evangelicals Really Sold on Palin?

Viewpoint: Her anti-abortion credentials are impeccable. But some of her views are at odds with younger Evangelicals

verb [T] soldsold
to persuade someone that an idea or plan is a good one and likely to be successful:
My boss is very old-fashioned and I'm having a lot of trouble selling the idea of working at home occasionally.
[+ two objects] The chance of greater access to European markets would help sell the President the scheme/sell the scheme to the President.
She's really sold on the idea of buying a new car.

perfect, with no problems or bad parts:
impeccable taste/manners/credentials
His English is impeccable.

━━ a. 罪を犯さない; 欠点のない, 非のうちどころない.
She was impeccably dressed.

evangelical (OPINIONS)
having very strong beliefs and often trying to persuade other people to have the same beliefs:
Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?

verb [I] 原 ━ v. 福音を伝える, 伝道する.
to talk about how good you think something is:

I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.


━━ v. とろ火で煮(え)る; シチュー STEW 料理にする; (出すぎて)(茶を)苦くする; 〔話〕 気をもませる[もむ] ((about, over)).

noun [C or U]
a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid:
lamb/bean/fish stew
She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.

1 [T] to cook meat, fish, vegetables or fruit slowly and gently in a little liquid

2 [I] INFORMAL to be angry:
You're not still stewing about what happened yesterday, are you?
China Bloggers Stew About Olympic Pigs (不要點 CLICK它)
A program to raise pigs specifically to feed athletes of the Beijing Olympics has China's bloggers raging online.

3 [I] UK to do nothing productive:
With jobs so scarce, many young people spend long hours with little to do but drink and stew.

1 UK describes tea that has been kept too long before it is poured, and is therefore strong and bitter


noun [C or U]
a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid:
lamb/bean/fish stew
She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.

1 [T] to cook meat, fish, vegetables or fruit slowly and gently in a little liquid

2 [I] INFORMAL to be angry:
You're not still stewing about what happened yesterday, are you?

3 [I] UK to do nothing productive:
With jobs so scarce, many young people spend long hours with little to do but drink and stew.

1 UK describes tea that has been kept too long before it is poured, and is therefore strong and bitter


stew (in your own juice) INFORMAL
to think about or suffer the results of your own foolish actions, without anyone giving you any help

2021年8月28日 星期六

Cyborg, depths, plumb the depths, depths unplumbable! to explore the depths of the oceans深海

5 日前 - Artist's rendering of moon jellyfish augmented with prosthetic devices that boost their speed. ... Despite science's best efforts to explore the ocean, the vast bulk of its depths remains unseen. ... The scientists built a microelectronic “prosthesis” or “swim controller” from off-the-shelf parts. ... turn there, make a U-turn at this other location,'” says study co-author John ...

It came to me the other day:
Were I to die, no one would say,
“Oh, what a shame! So young, so full
Of promise — depths unplumbable!”
Instead, a shrug and tearless eyes
Will greet my overdue demise;
The wide response will be, I know,
“I thought he died a while ago.”
For life’s a shabby subterfuge,
And death is real, and dark, and huge.
The shock of it will register
Nowhere but where it will occur.

For scientists, using part-mechanical jellyfish could be a way to explore the depths of the oceans

 the depths of the oceans 海洋之深處

“The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, its tides, and its depths; it has its pearls too."…………Van Gogh



英文「Cyborg」是「cybernetic organism」的結合,實際上表示了任何混合了有機體與電子機器的生物。
這個名詞的普及化是由於曼菲德·E·克萊恩斯(Manfred E. Clynes)與內森·S·克萊恩(Nathan S. Kline)在1960年使用來稱呼他們想像中的一種人類,這些人類經過強化之後能夠在地球以外的環境中生存。之所以會提出這種概念,是出自於他們覺得當人類開始進行航太的新領域時,某種人類與機械之間的親密關係將成為必要。作為一個生理儀器(physiological instrumentation)與電子資料處理系統(electronic data-processing system)的設計師,克萊恩斯是紐約羅克蘭州立醫院(Rockland State Hospital)動態模擬研究室(Dynamic Simulation Laboratory)的首席研究科學家
サイボーグcyborg)は、サイバネティック・オーガニズム(Cybernetic Organism)の略で、広義の意味では生命体(organ)と自動制御系の技術(cybernetic。サイバネティックス)を融合させたものを指す。具体例として、人工臓器などの人工物を身体に埋め込む ...

I plumb forgot your birthday.

plumb in  (洗濯機などを)(排水管につないで)設置する

.plumb the depths  (絶望などの)極みを経験する ((of)). to reach the lowest point:

Roy plumbed the depths of despair when his wife left him.
HUMOROUS They must be really plumbing the depths (= must have been unable to find anyone better) if they're offering the job to her.


━━ n. おもり; 下げ振り; 測鉛; 垂直.
 off [out of] plumb 垂直で[正しく]ない.
━━ a., ad. 垂直の[に]; 〔話〕 全く(の); 正確に; 鉛管を敷設する, 配管工事を施す.
━━ v. plumberとして働く; 垂直度を調べる; 垂直にする ((up)); (水深を)測る; 見通す, 測り知る.
 plumb in (洗濯機などを)(排水管につないで)設置する.
 plumb the depths (絶望などの)極みを経験する ((of)).

Samuel Beckett's art through the eyes of Vladimir Nabokov. Kafka's physically uncomfortable and dingy men


Samuel Beckett's art through the eyes of Vladimir Nabokov, from the latter's 1970 interview.
[Q:] Did you know SAMUEL BECKETT in Paris?
[A:] No, I did not. Beckett is the author of lovely novellas and wretched plays in the Maeterlinck tradition. The trilogy is my favorite, especially Molloy. There is an extraordinary scene in which he is crawling through a forest by dragging himself, 'by catching the crook of his walking stick, his crutch, in the vegetation before him, and pulling himself up, wearing three overcoats and newspaper underneath them. Then there are those pebbles, which he is busily transferring from pocket to pocket. Everything is so gray, so uncomfortable, you feel that he is in constant bladder discomfort, as old people sometimes are in their dreams. In this abject condition there is no doubt some likeness with Kafka's physically uncomfortable and dingy men. It is that limpness that is so interesting in Beckett's work.
[Q:] Beckett has also composed in two tongues, has overseen the Englishing of his French works. In which language have you read him?
[A:] I've read him in both French and English. Beckett's French is a schoolmaster's French, a preserved French, but in English you feel the moisture of verbal association and of the spreading live roots of his prose.


dark and often also dirty:
a dingy room/corridor
Her hair was a dingy brown colour.

2021年8月26日 星期四

varnish, Varnishing Day, ill­-feeling, Gun violence is invariably being fuelled by


Gun violence is invariably being fuelled by illegal drugs and ill­-feeling between jobless, marginalised young men and the police

varnish翻譯:清漆;罩光漆;亮光漆, 為…上清漆, 塗指甲油。了解更多。

1 June
The concept: to 'take the temperature' of British art at this crucial juncture, documenting what our RAs were doing, thinking and making on 1 June. The day when, for the past 252 years, Royal Academicians celebrate the start of the Summer Exhibition and put the finishing touches to their works, Varnishing Day.

be couched in, upholster, reupholstered, diwan or divan, be couched in

Reupholstered piano stool. Couldn't have chosen a more perfect print. Makes me smile every day. Hmm what can I cover next....

Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, made an unprecedented visit to Singapore on March 24th to pay respects to Lee Kuan Yew a day after his death. China insists that Taiwan is a renegade province with no right to conduct its own diplomacy. Although couched as a personal visit, not a formal one, this is still a diplomatic coup for Taiwan

 ...all couched in her graceful and poised prose.

vb 1. to upholster again or differently 2. to upholster again or differently Collins English ...


Syllabification: (couch)
Pronunciation: /kouCH/


  • a long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on.
  • a reclining seat with a headrest at one end on which a psychoanalyst’s subject or doctor’s patient lies while undergoing treatment.


[with object]
  • 1 (usually be couched in) express (something) in language of a specified style:many false claims are couched in scientific jargon
  • 2 [no object] literary lie down:two creatures couched side by side in the deep grass
  • 3 archaic lower (a spear) to the position for attack.
  • 4 (usually as noun couching) chiefly historical treat (a cataract) by pushing the lens of the eye downward and backward, out of line with the pupil.
  • 5(in embroidery) fix (a thread) to a fabric by stitching it down flat with another thread:gold and silver threads couched by hand


on the couch

undergoing psychoanalysis or psychiatric treatment.


Middle English (as a noun denoting something to sleep on; as a verb in the sense 'lay something down'): from Old French couche (noun), coucher (verb), from Latin collocare 'place together' (see collocate)

or divan
Islamic hall, court, council-chamber, court of justice, or audience-chamber.


1. In Muslim countries, a council room or hall for a court of justice.
2. A smoking room.
A divan (Greek: ντιβάνι divani) is a piece of couch-like sitting furniture.
Originally, in the Middle East (especially the Ottoman Empire), a divan was a long seat formed of a mattress laid against the side of the room, upon the floor, or upon a raised structure or frame, with cushions to lean against.
Divans received this name because they were generally found along the walls in Middle Eastern council chambers of a bureau called divan or diwan (from Persian, meaning a government council or office, from the bundles of papers they processed, and next their council chambers). Divans are a common feature of the liwan, a long vaulted narrow room in Levantine homes. The sofa/couch sense was taken into English in 1702.
The divan in this sense has been commonly known in Europe certainly since about the middle of the 18th century. It was fashionable, roughly speaking, from 1820 to 1850, wherever the romantic movement in literature penetrated. All the boudoirs of that generation were garnished with divans. They even spread to coffee-houses, which were sometimes known as divans or Turkish divans, and a cigar divan remains a familiar expression.


See also

2021年8月18日 星期三

Japonisme 和風主義

|呼吸巴黎 feat. 關鍵評論|

Japonisme - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Japo...

Japonisme is a French term that refers to the popularity and influence of Japanese art and design among a number of Western European artists in the ...