Caress the writhing darkness.
And then the people move forward.
As long as Mr. Deng drew breath, it seemed that China could cope with its contradictions. But as his health inexorably declined, the Chinese seemed to pause and to wonder about the future.
And then the people move forward.
As long as Mr. Deng drew breath, it seemed that China could cope with its contradictions. But as his health inexorably declined, the Chinese seemed to pause and to wonder about the future.
After moving to London with her husband in 2003, she began to write
full-time. Pessl's stunning debut is an elaborate construction modelled
after the syllabus of a college literature
course - 36 chapters named after everything from "Othello" to "Paradise
Lost" to "The Big Sleep" - that culminates in a final exam. The title of
the book that was published in 2006: "Special Topics in Calamity
Physics". (Reporter: Ulrike Sarkany)
Upskirt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
refers to the practice of making unauthorized photographs under a
woman's skirt, capturing an image of her crotch area and underwear. The
term ...- PC Magazine - by Damon Poeter - 5 hours agoAdditionally, perpetrators found to have distributed upskirt images or "downblouse" photos would face felony charges and further penalties ...
With several walls covered in eye-popping Biedermeier wallpaper, the show begins by illustrating how the style stripped Neo-Classicism of ornament, with before and after comparisons of rotund writing cabinets, floor clocks and sofas. Before is dark mahogany with carved and gilded ornaments; after is plain blond ash accented with crisp lines of inlaid ebony. The inlay on the writing cabinet wryly emphasizes its egglike form; topped by three stepped drawers, the cabinet reads as a large, lidded jar.
就像在《威尼斯商人》中,羅蘭佐精彩地向潔西嘉描述的那樣,心靈中音樂的力量經歷了漫長的蕭索時期後,終於復蘇了。(布魯姆(Allan Bloom)《走向封閉的美國精神》缪青、宋麗娜等譯,北京:中國社會科學出版社,1994,第66頁。案:名字改成朱生豪翻譯的。)
更有(教育)意思的是 將莎士比亞原文和朱生豪的翻譯拿來讀讀(其評論非本文主旨)。
Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming.
And yet no matter: why should we go in?
My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you,
Within the house, your mistress is at hand;
And bring your music forth into the air.
Exit Stephano(斯丹法諾下)
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica. Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
“It’s a smart business move because there’s been what I call class creep on an airplane,” said Henry Harteveldt, a travel analyst with Forrester Research. “What’s now called business class is almost what first class used to be. So premium economy is more like what business class used to be back in the 1980s, akin in many ways to U.S. domestic first class in terms of legroom.”
In present day English, it is used to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention" or "take notice". It is often written in the abbreviated form: N.B.
creep (MOVE SLOWLY) Show phonetics
verb [I usually + adverb or preposition] crept, crept
to move slowly, quietly and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed:
She turned off the light and crept through the door.
Someone was creeping around outside my window.
The spider crept up the wall.
The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace.
creeping Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] DISAPPROVING
happening, developing or moving slowly or gradually:
We are totally against any form of creeping Socialism.
inlay Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a decorative pattern put into the surface of an object:
The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.
inlaid Show phonetics
adjective━━ a. はめ込んだ, 象眼した.
The top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory.
With several walls covered in eye-popping Biedermeier wallpaper, the show begins by illustrating how the style stripped Neo-Classicism of ornament, with before and after comparisons of rotund writing cabinets, floor clocks and sofas. Before is dark mahogany with carved and gilded ornaments; after is plain blond ash accented with crisp lines of inlaid ebony. The inlay on the writing cabinet wryly emphasizes its egglike form; topped by three stepped drawers, the cabinet reads as a large, lidded jar.
就像在《威尼斯商人》中,羅蘭佐精彩地向潔西嘉描述的那樣,心靈中音樂的力量經歷了漫長的蕭索時期後,終於復蘇了。(布魯姆(Allan Bloom)《走向封閉的美國精神》缪青、宋麗娜等譯,北京:中國社會科學出版社,1994,第66頁。案:名字改成朱生豪翻譯的。)
更有(教育)意思的是 將莎士比亞原文和朱生豪的翻譯拿來讀讀(其評論非本文主旨)。
Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming.
And yet no matter: why should we go in?
My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you,
Within the house, your mistress is at hand;
And bring your music forth into the air.
Exit Stephano(斯丹法諾下)
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica. Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
“It’s a smart business move because there’s been what I call class creep on an airplane,” said Henry Harteveldt, a travel analyst with Forrester Research. “What’s now called business class is almost what first class used to be. So premium economy is more like what business class used to be back in the 1980s, akin in many ways to U.S. domestic first class in terms of legroom.”
Most people buy a travel guide at a local bookstore before going on a trip. But what do discerning and exclusive travelers, for whom five star hotels are the norm, do?
sacristan, sacristy, strong room, vault
sacristan:Meaning #1: an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects
One who is in charge of a sacristy.
Synonym: sexton
━━ n. 寺男.

━━ n. (教会の)聖具保管者; 〔古〕 =sexton.
A strongly built fireproof room designed for the safekeeping of money or valuables.
bank vault Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables
Synonym: vault
sacristan:Meaning #1: an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects
One who is in charge of a sacristy.
Synonym: sexton
━━ n. 寺男.

Architecture: sacristy
A room in a church, near the chancel, where the robes and altar vessels are stored, where the clergy vest themselves for services, and where some business of the church may be done; usually a single room, but sometimes a very large one.![]() |
strong room
n.A strongly built fireproof room designed for the safekeeping of money or valuables.
bank vault Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables
Synonym: vault
Many turn to "Nota Bene" for advice -- a members-only destination review service from Great Britain. A 12-month, 10-issue subscription can cost upwards of 650 euros.
Nota Bene is a Latin phrase meaning "Note Well," coming from notâre—to note. It is in the singular imperative mood, instructing one individual to note well the matter at hand. (The pluralis form is notate bene.)In present day English, it is used to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention" or "take notice". It is often written in the abbreviated form: N.B.
NB2, n.b.
nota bene.
verb [I usually + adverb or preposition] crept, crept
to move slowly, quietly and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed:
She turned off the light and crept through the door.
Someone was creeping around outside my window.
The spider crept up the wall.
The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace.
creeping Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] DISAPPROVING
happening, developing or moving slowly or gradually:
We are totally against any form of creeping Socialism.
inlay Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a decorative pattern put into the surface of an object:
The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.
inlaid Show phonetics
adjective━━ a. はめ込んだ, 象眼した.
The top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory.
a. (形容詞 adjective)
- 鑲嵌的;鑲飾的,嵌花樣的[Z][(+in/into/with)]
Line breaks: in|ex¦or|able
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈɛks(ə)rəb(ə)l /
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈɛks(ə)rəb(ə)l /
mid 16th century: from French, or from Latininexorabilis, from in- 'not' + exorabilis (from exorare'entreat').
mid 16th century: from French, or from Latininexorabilis, from in- 'not' + exorabilis (from exorare'entreat').
Syllabification: syl·la·bus
Pronunciation: /ˈsiləbəs/
noun (plural syllabuses or syllabi /-ˌbī/)
mid 17th century (in the sense 'concise table of headings of a discourse'): modern Latin, originally a misreading of Latin sittybas, accusative plural of sittyba, from Greek sittuba 'title slip, label'.
gerund or present participle: writhing
- make twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body."he writhed in agony on the ground"
- respond with great emotional or physical discomfort to (an intense or unpleasant feeling or thought)."she bit her lip, writhing in suppressed fury"
verb: creep; 3rd person present: creeps; past tense: crept; past participle: crept; gerund or present participle: creeping
- 1.move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed."he crept downstairs, hardly making any noise"
- (of a thing) move very slowly and inexorably."the fog was creeping up from the marsh"
- (of a plant) grow along the ground or other surface by means of extending stems or branches."tufts of fine leaves grow on creeping rhizomes"
- (of a plastic solid) undergo gradual deformation under stress.
- 2.(of a negative characteristic or fact) occur or develop gradually and almost imperceptibly."errors crept into his game"
- increase slowly but steadily in number or amount."gas prices have been creeping up for a while"
noun: creep; plural noun: creeps
- 1.informala detestable person."I thought he was a nasty little creep"
Some uncomfortable news from Guardian US:
Yes, as of Wednesday, it became perfectly legal to take “upskirt” shots
of unsuspecting women on public transportation in the US state of