5 日前 - Artist's rendering of moon jellyfish augmented with prosthetic devices that boost their speed. ... Despite science's best efforts to explore the ocean, the vast bulk of its depths remains unseen. ... The scientists built a microelectronic “prosthesis” or “swim controller” from off-the-shelf parts. ... turn there, make a U-turn at this other location,'” says study co-author John ...
It came to me the other day:
Were I to die, no one would say,
“Oh, what a shame! So young, so full
Of promise — depths unplumbable!”
Instead, a shrug and tearless eyes
Will greet my overdue demise;
The wide response will be, I know,
“I thought he died a while ago.”
For life’s a shabby subterfuge,
And death is real, and dark, and huge.
The shock of it will register
Nowhere but where it will occur.
For scientists, using part-mechanical jellyfish could be a way to explore the depths of the oceans
the depths of the oceans 海洋之深處
- 深海 depth
“The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, its tides, and its depths; it has its pearls too."…………Van Gogh
英文「Cyborg」是「cybernetic organism」的結合,實際上表示了任何混合了有機體與電子機器的生物。
這個名詞的普及化是由於曼菲德·E·克萊恩斯(Manfred E. Clynes)與內森·S·克萊恩(Nathan S. Kline)在1960年使用來稱呼他們想像中的一種人類,這些人類經過強化之後能夠在地球以外的環境中生存。之所以會提出這種概念,是出自於他們覺得當人類開始進行航太的新領域時,某種人類與機械之間的親密關係將成為必要。作為一個生理儀器(physiological instrumentation)與電子資料處理系統(electronic data-processing system)的設計師,克萊恩斯是紐約羅克蘭州立醫院(Rockland State Hospital)動態模擬研究室(Dynamic Simulation Laboratory)的首席研究科學家。
サイボーグ(cyborg)は、サイバネティック・オーガニズム(Cybernetic Organism)の略で、広義の意味では生命体(organ)と自動制御系の技術(cybernetic。サイバネティックス)を融合させたものを指す。具体例として、人工臓器などの人工物を身体に埋め込む ...
I plumb forgot your birthday.
I plumb forgot your birthday.
plumb in (洗濯機などを)(排水管につないで)設置する
.plumb the depths (絶望などの)極みを経験する ((of)). to reach the lowest point:
Roy plumbed the depths of despair when his wife left him.
HUMOROUS They must be really plumbing the depths (= must have been unable to find anyone better) if they're offering the job to her.

━━ n. おもり; 下げ振り; 測鉛; 垂直.
off [out of] plumb 垂直で[正しく]ない.
━━ a., ad. 垂直の[に]; 〔話〕 全く(の); 正確に; 鉛管を敷設する, 配管工事を施す.
━━ v. plumberとして働く; 垂直度を調べる; 垂直にする ((up)); (水深を)測る; 見通す, 測り知る.
plumb in (洗濯機などを)(排水管につないで)設置する.
plumb the depths (絶望などの)極みを経験する ((of)).

━━ a., ad. 垂直の[に]; 〔話〕 全く(の); 正確に; 鉛管を敷設する, 配管工事を施す.
━━ v. plumberとして働く; 垂直度を調べる; 垂直にする ((up)); (水深を)測る; 見通す, 測り知る.
