The photographer Buck Ellison goads us to contemplate not just the existence of an American ruling class but the invisible lineaments of wealth, power, and race that undergird its existence. “It’s so clear to me that one of the main things that perpetuates inequality is our silence around it,” he says. See more of his work here:
Many who had illegally floated into Canadian territory had to be rescued from the water, with many towed to shore, according to the coast guard:
On Visit to Japan, China's Hu Has No Time for Old Grudges
Washington Post - United States
By Blaine Harden TOKYO, May 9 -- The two economic giants of Asia courted each other this week during a five-day visit to Japan by Chinese President Hu ...
While there is no mention of souped-up cars, excessive jewelry and offensively tight clothing, many of those holding a grudge against the macho may well have felt the urge to write them in underneath the choices provided in pencil.
After the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in the Islamic revolution of 1979, Mr. Mohassess took more direct aim from his American exile at the new religious government: a drawing from 2000 shows lines of decapitated corpses laid neatly before seated mullahs.
And with the increasing standardisation of China's written language and the growth of a class of trained bureaucrats, these works were constantly copied and circulated and gave a kind of undergirding to the shape of China's governance across time.
facts and statistics subtly undergird his commentary
wash up 1
To support or strengthen from beneath.

(mŭl'ə, mʊl'ə)
also mul·la n. Islam.
- A male religious teacher or leader.
- Used as a form of address for such a man.
[Urdu mullā, from Persian, from Arabic mawlā, master, friend, from waliya, to become near, be in charge.]
mullahism mul'lah·ism n.
grudgenoun [C]
a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, which often lasts for a long time:
I don't bear any grudge against you.
Philippa still has/holds a grudge against me for refusing to lend her that money.
verb [T]
1 to not want to spend time or money on someone or something, or to not want to give something to someone:
She grudged every hour she spent helping him.
2 to think that someone does not deserve something good that they have:
[+ two objects] I don't grudge you your holiday, it's just that you've chosen a bad time to go.
A grudging action or feeling is one which you do or have unwillingly:
She won the grudging respect of her boss.
She grudgingly (= unwillingly) admitted that she had been wrong to criticize him.
neat (GOOD)
That video game is really neat!
Kyle has the neatest mom - she lets him stay up late on the weekends.
undergird \un-der-GERD\ verb. 1 archaic : to make secure underneath. 2 : to form the basis or foundation of : strengthen, support. Examples: "The organ tones that undergirded much of her recent work suggested a secular version of the church nave.
Urban Dictionary: neato
Top Definition. neato. a cool little word that is very enjoyable to say. neato can mean "wow, that was really cool!" or "awesome" or it can just be a neato way to ...
Recovery missions can get intense. Workers have had to pluck transceivers out of trees in Louisiana, rappel down rocky cliffs in Arizona, trudge through swamps and kayak across ponds. Space Data pays them $100 per transceiver recovered.
"These things can fall anywhere," says Chip Kyner of San Antonio, who once hiked seven miles before finding the transmitter he was looking for. The final mile was in pitch darkness.
"It wasn't worth the $100," he says, "but it's a neat story."
Floating a New Idea
For Going Wireless,
Parachute Included
Balloon Launch Gets
Google's Attention;
Dairy Farmers Can Help
By AMOL SHARMAGoogle's Attention;
Dairy Farmers Can Help
February 20, 2008