2019年9月26日 星期四

treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.Twitterdum and Twitterdee

America's president and Britain's prime minister, two populists, have fallen foul of their country’s institutions. Our latest cover is in two parts:
The promise and perils of Donald Trump's impeachment https://econ.trib.al/M0zEZb0
Boris Johnson's reckoning https://econ.trib.al/IVHp6UN

Twitterdum and Twitterdee

Tweedledum and tweededee,
Agreed to have a battle,
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), Through a Looking Glass

Treason!!! (19 March 1798)
John Bull emits an explosive bout of flatulence at a poster of George III as an outraged William Pitt the Younger ticks him off.
This etching by English Richard Newton was probably a comment on Pitt's threat (which was enacted the following month) to suspend habeas corpus.

 High crimes and misdemeanors :面臨彈劾調查的特朗普可能犯了什麼   
週二,美國眾議院議長佩洛西宣布,將就“烏克蘭電話門”事件對特朗普啟動正式彈劾調查 。什麼是彈劾?根據美國憲法,如果有足夠多的議員投票認定總統犯有“叛國罪、受賄罪和或其他嚴重罪行和不檢行為”(treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors ),國會可以在總統任期未滿前解除其職務。
“ High crimes and misdemeanors ”是一個源自英美法系傳統的術語:幾個世紀以來,英國議會在罷免王室官員時一直援引這類罪行。它意味著政府高級官員濫用權力,但這種行為不一定要違反一般的刑事法規,這讓它與美國法律中一般意義上的“重罪”(felony)區別開來。美國憲法中並沒有對這種以“high crimes and misdemeanors”為名的其他罪行進行具體界定,這使得彈劾總統在法律分析之外,又成了一個關乎政治意願的問題。

mender, road mender, tinker, tinkering with, Frankenstein, biohacker, flit, Plane Tree

Here Comes the Best Part of Thanksgiving: Leftovers

The remains of the day provide ingredients for three more days of meals that invite you to tinker and try new dishes.

Vincent van Gogh
The Large Plane Trees (Road Menders at Saint-Rémy), 1889
Oil on canvas
Cleveland Museum of Art

Biohackers' Discover Inner Frankenstein
Hobbyists are tinkering with the building blocks of life in the comfort of their own homes. But are these biohackers a threat to national security?

Buy Poster at AllPosters.com
Thomas Edison
in His Lab
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Where would our spotlight be without Thomas Edison? Edison was a man who didn't believe in giving up; he said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Born on this date in 1847, the "Wizard of Menlo Park" received over 1,000 patents for things we consider indispensable today, such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph and the stock ticker. He created the first motion picture camera and the first copyrighted film, Fred Ott's Sneeze. Edison was hearing impaired from when he was young, and had only three months of formal schooling. But, luckily for us, he loved to tinker.

Old Enemies Unite on Health-Care Reform

Lobbyists for seniors, drugmakers, and dcotors want to end cost inflation. Obama's plan would tinker with taxes and regulations but preserve employer-based insurance

On Tuesday, UBS, the European bank hit hardest by the tight credit market, said that it had sold $15 billion of subprime mortgage debt and would cut 5,500 jobs as part of its cleanup, news that some investors saw as an indication that the bank was dealing with its problems.
But as the bank is slowly getting a grip on its subprime exposure, it already faces new challenges elsewhere. Customers are withdrawing money from its asset- and wealth-management business and it is still looking for a long-term strategy for its investment banking unit.
“The absence of horrors and no further write-downs are good news,” said Peter Thorne, an analyst at Helvea in London. “But the private banking business will get worse before it gets better and the job cuts are more tinkering with the investment banking business than anything else.”


Tinkerers Make Cool Devices Cooler
Page One: Driven by the need for improvised solutions -- or a desire to innovate in the theater of the technologically absurd -- a growing breed of hardware hackers are ripping apart consumer-electronic gadgets to change both form and function


Health is the opposite of a commodity: it flits around like Tinkerbell, defying all the best intentions and predictions.

verb [I usually + adverb or preposition] -tt-
1 to fly or move quickly and lightly:
In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
FIGURATIVE Sara finds it very difficult to settle - she's always flitting from one thing to another (= changing her activities).

2 to appear or exist suddenly and briefly in someone's mind or on their face:
A ghost of a smile flitted across his face.

noun [C] UK
See do a moonlight flit at moonlight.

  1. A traveling mender of metal household utensils.
  2. Chiefly British. A member of any of various traditionally itinerant groups of people living especially in Scotland and Ireland; a traveler.
  3. One who enjoys experimenting with and repairing machine parts.
  4. A clumsy repairer or worker; a meddler.

  1. To work as a tinker.
  2. To make unskilled or experimental efforts at repair; fiddle: tinkered with the engine, hoping to discover the trouble; tinkering with the economy by trying various fiscal policies.
  1. To mend as a tinker.
  2. To manipulate unskillfully or experimentally.
[Middle English tinkere.]
tinkerer tin'ker·er n.

verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to make small unimportant changes to something, especially in an attempt to repair or improve it:
He spends every weekend tinkering (about) with his car.
I wish the government would stop tinkering with the health service.
Compare fiddle (MOVE ABOUT).

1 [S] UK when you make small changes to something:
I'll just have a tinker with the television and see if I can get it to work.

2 [C] especially in the past, a person who travels from place to place, repairing pans or other metal containers

Plane Tree


Definition of road mender

one that repairs roads

2019年9月21日 星期六

surgical residents hone skills, ‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy

What Elizabeth Warren Lost When She Beat the Banks

Ms. Warren saw her plan to rein in big banks become a reality, but lost her chance at her dream job. The episode honed her approach to politics.

‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy Possible for G.M.
The Treasury Department is said to be directing G.M. to prepare for a bankruptcy filing by June 1, if necessary.

Surgeons Hone Skills on Nintendo Wii
Playing certain video games on the Nintendo Wii could help surgical residents hone their fine motor skills.

resident (MEDICAL)
noun [C]
US 〔米〕 専門医学実習生.
a doctor who is still training, and who works in a hospital:
She's a first-year resident in oncology at
Boston General Hospital.
See also houseman.

verb [T] ━━ n., vt. 砥石(といし)(でとぐ).
1 to sharpen an object:
The bone had been honed to a point.

2 to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose:
His physique was honed to perfection.
Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.
noun [U]
the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part:
The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart.
He made a good recovery after surgery to remove a brain tumour.

1 used for medical operations:
surgical supplies/instruments/gloves, etc.

2 involved in performing medical operations:
surgical procedures/techniques/intervention
surgical staff

3 (of clothing) worn in order to treat a particular medical condition:
a surgical shoe/collar/corset

noun [C]
a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations

surgical spirit UK noun [U] (US rubbing alcohol)
a liquid for cleaning medical equipment or a person's skin so that it is free from bacteria

surgical strike noun [C]
a type of military attack which is made in an exact way on a particular place:
A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.


━━ a. 外科(医)の; 外科用の; 手術上の; 特定治療用の; 【軍】(作戦行為などが)正確ですばやい.
sur・gi・cal・ly ━━ ad.
surgical spirit 外科消毒用アルコール.
surgical strike 電撃的局地爆撃.


--> ━━ a., n. 定住[居住]する; 住込みの (a ~nt tutor 住み込み家庭教師); 固有[内在]の (inherent) ((in)); 居住[駐在]者 (foreign ~nts 在留外国人); 〔英〕 (ホテルなどの)宿泊客; 【英史】(R-) 駐在官, 弁務官; 〔米〕 専門医学実習生.
resident buyer 【商業】在住仲買人[業者] ((中央の卸売り市場地区に存在し,地方遠隔地の顧客等のために仲買を行う業者)).
resident commands 【コンピュータ】レジデント・コマンド.
resident font 【コンピュータ】内蔵フォント.
resident minister 弁理公使.
resident program 【コンピュータ】レジデント・プログラム.
resident's association (共同住宅の)自治会.

Diurnal, observatory, shofar, a ram’s horn trumpet,

對於中國、日本和南韓這些石油需求巨大的亞洲國家來說,影響可能會被放大。其中許多國家近年來一直試圖減少對伊朗和委內瑞拉石油的依賴,這兩個國家均受到了美國制裁的打擊。根據麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)經濟複雜性觀察(Observatory of Economic Complexity)實驗室的數據,2017 年,中國、日本和南韓分別是全球第一大、第四大和第五大原油進口國。

Taipei 101 Observatory (台北101觀景台) 



  • 1A room or building housing an astronomical telescope or other scientific equipment for the study of natural phenomena.

    1. 1.1A position or building that gives an extensive view.


Diurnal Fantasies, 1932

These various blends of diurnal and annual cycles are all perfectly comprehensible, if medically ill-advised. But just as the light that we humans deem "visible" represents a tiny part of the vast electromagnetic spectrum, so the collected clocks of the solar system are a meager sampling of the universal stock of tockers.

   BIOLOGY   specialized
 /ˌdaɪˈɜː.nəl/ US 

happening over a period of a day, or being active or happening during the day rather than at night

imbue, ferried, ultimatum, Betadine, canteen, quintillion

When the Bauhaus closed due to decreased enrollment and increased pressure from the Nazi regime, Albers and Ehrman ferried these methods to the United States, where they posted up as instructors at progressive art schools. Albers landed at Black Mountain College in Asheville, North Carolina, while Ehrman found a post at 
Lázló Moholy-Nagy’s New Bauhaus (later known as the Institute of Design) in Chicago. (Stölzl established a practice in Switzerland.)

The Borowitz Report: The Koch brothers ultimatum came just minutes after the Wisconsin governor Scott Walker dropped out of the Republican Presidential race.

The billionaire Koch brothers demanded that Walker return the nine...

The raft of knowledge ferries the worst sinner to safety.

 Mr. Silver reminds us that we live in an era of "Big Data," with "2.5 quintillion bytes" generated each day. But he strongly disagrees with the view that the sheer volume of data will make predicting easier. "Numbers don't speak for themselves," he notes. In fact, we imbue numbers with meaning, depending on our approach. We often find patterns that are simply random noise, and many of our predictions fail: "Unless we become aware of the biases we introduce, the returns to additional information may be minimal—or diminishing." The trick is to extract the correct signal from the noisy data. "The signal is the truth," Mr. Silver writes. "The noise is the distraction."

 The storefront and large space next door to the club served as the "CBGB Record Canteen" (record shop and cafe) for many years. Eventually, in the late eighties, the record store was closed and replaced with a second performance space and art gallery, named "CB's 313 Gallery".

Egypt’s revolution is a contest of ultimatums — chaos and revolution, freedom and submission — but its arena of Tahrir Square becomes quieter at night, the cacophony of rebellion giving way to a stage of poetry, performance and politics.
Be it the canteen that prepares cheese sandwiches, the volunteers who ferry tea to guards at the barricades, the pharmacies that are overstocked with Betadine or the artists who bring their aesthetic to the asphalt, their Cairo begins as the city sleeps. The weary collapse in exhaustion, but no one else seems willing to surrender a moment that feels imbued with the idealism of defiance.


  • 発音記号[imbjúː]

1 ((通例受身))〈人に〉(感情・思想などを)しみ込ませる, 吹き込む((with ...))
be imbued with a sense of purpose
2 〈物に〉(水分などを)しみ込ませる, 満たす;〈物を〉(色で)染める((with ...))
imbue the skin with moisture
3 …をよごす.

(ŭl'tə-mā'təm, -mä'-) pronunciation
n., pl., -tums, or -ta (-tə).
  1. A final statement of terms made by one party to another.
  2. A statement, especially in diplomatic negotiations, that expresses or implies the threat of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted.
[New Latin, from neuter of Latin ultimātus, last. See ultimate.]

[名]1 社員食堂, 学生食堂;(野外などの)簡易[仮設, 移動式]食堂.2 (軍人・ハイカーなどの)水筒.3 ((英))(キャンプ用の)ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンのセット(のはいった箱).4 ...
canteen culture


(fĕr'ē) pronunciation

v., -ried, -ry·ing, -ries. v.tr.
  1. Nautical.
    1. To transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.
    2. To cross (a body of water) by a ferry.
    1. To deliver (a vehicle, especially an aircraft) under its own power to its eventual user.
    2. To transport (people or goods) by vehicle, especially by aircraft.
To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry.

Transport from one place to another on short or regular trips:ambulances ferried the injured to hospital

n., pl., -ries.
  1. Nautical.
    1. A ferryboat.
    2. A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.
  2. A franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee.
  3. A service and route for delivering an aircraft under its own power to its eventual user.
[Middle English ferien, from Old English ferian.]
请列出(医院用的)Betadine:特性,浓度,颜色,气味(浓冽?). ... 【详细信息】:【
品名】:碘伏消毒液 【适应范围】:用于皮肤、粘膜的消毒;创口的清洗和 ...


  • 発音記号[kwintíljən]
[名](複 〜s, ((数詞のあとで))〜)[形]クィンティリオン(の):((米・仏))1,000の6乗(1018);((英・独))1,000の10乗(1030).