2012年1月30日 星期一

liftoff , challenger, lots of ground to make up

Growth Accelerates, but U.S. Has Lots of Ground to Make Up


Whether the American economy, which grew last quarter at its fastest pace in a year and a half, can sustain that momentum is critical to millions of people out of work.

On Jan. 28, 1986, space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crew members.

(lĭft'ôf', -ŏf') pronunciation
The initial movement by which or the instant in which a rocket or other such craft commences flight.

(chăl'ən-jər) pronunciation
  1. One that challenges: a challenger of established authority.
  2. Sports. One who competes against the holder of a title or championship, as in boxing.

sit well with, abusive practices

State Department's use of the surveillance crafts isn't sitting well with the local government.

sit well with
Please, fit or suit, be acceptable to, as in I don't think that explanation sits well with the headmaster, or His sense of humor does not sit well with this elderly audience. [Early 1700s]

White Collar Watch: A Renewed Focus on a Financial Crisis Crackdown Although skepticism has been expressed about a new effort to investigate abusive practices that led to the financial crisis, Peter J. Henning argues that there is at least a chance we will see the government take a more aggressive stance in pursuing civil charges.

2012年1月23日 星期一

anti-establishment, deception

Editorial: Mr. Gingrich’s Deceptions

Acting as the anti-establishment rebel secured his South Carolina victory.

An anti-establishment view or belief is one which stands in opposition to the conventional social, political, and economic principles of a society. The term was first used in the modern sense in 1958, by the British magazine New Statesman to refer to its political and social agenda.[1] The term can be distinguished from counterculture, a word normally used to describe artistic rather than political movements that run against the prevailing taste and values of the time.[citation needed]

for better or worse, cerebrate, vagrancy, patter song

Booming Mongolia

Mine, all mine

The country that is likely to grow faster than any other in the next decade, and how it is changing, for better or worse

for better or worse
Under good or bad circumstances, with good or bad effect. For example, For better or for worse he trusts everyone. This term became widely familiar because it appears in the marriage service of the Book of Common Prayer (1549): "With this ring I thee wed, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, til death do us part." [Late 1300s]

cerebrate(verb) Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
Synonyms:cogitate, think
Usage:As they surveyed the damage, Jonathan did not ask his father how he would fix the tree house, instead allowing him stare and cerebrate in silence.

cerebrate, vagrancy, patter song

Under the pseudonym Boz, he wrote, “There is nothing we enjoy more than a little amateur vagrancy,” walking through London as though “the whole were an unknown region to our wandering mind.” Yet there was nothing remotely solitary about Dickens. One person who saw him in the highest spirits at a family party wrote that he “happily sang two or three songs, one the patter song, ‘The Dog’s Meat Man,’ and gave several successful imitations of the most distinguished actors of the day.”


  • 発音記号[véigrənsi]

1 浮浪状態;放浪(生活).
2 (考えや話の)脱線, 空想.


  • 発音記号[pǽtər]

1 (手品・サーカス・芝居などの)早口の口上[せりふ].
2 通語, 隠語.


  • 発音記号[sérəbrèit]
[動](自)頭を働かせる, 考える.
[名][U]大脳作用, 頭脳活動;思考.


  • 発音記号[séləbrèit]

1 〈特定の日・出来事を〉祝う, 祝賀[記念]する;〈祝典・儀式を〉挙行する, あげる, 行う
celebrate one's birthday [a victory]
celebrate Mass
2 ((形式))〈人・勲功などを〉(…として;…で)ほめたたえる, 賞賛[賛美]する((as ...;for ...));…を世に喧伝(けんでん)する
celebrate a hero in song
1 式典[祭典]を挙行する, 式典をあげて記念する;宗教的儀式[ミサ, 聖体拝領]を行う.
2 ((略式))祝杯をあげる, お祭り騒ぎをする, 浮かれ騒ぐ.
cel・e・bra・to・ry〔sélbrtri | -tri〕

2012年1月21日 星期六

chest clip breaking, harlot, Babylon

Back Page

Love for sale: A Viennese prostitute, circa 1865.

Guidebooks to Babylon


For anyone researching a "golden age" of vice, there is nothing quite as satisfying as a guide to local harlots.

1 紙ばさみ(clipboard);クリップ;(書類・手紙などを留める)留め金具(paper clip)
a hair clip
3 (ピンで留める)宝石などの装飾品;ネクタイどめ.
4 自転車に乗る人がズボンを足首で締める用具.
clip2 (klĭp) pronunciation
  1. Any of various devices for gripping or holding things together; a clasp or fastener.
  2. A piece of jewelry that fastens with a clasp or clip; a brooch.
  3. A cartridge clip.

Infant Car Seats Recalled by Britax Due to Laceration and Choking Hazards

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.

Name of Product: Chaperone Infant car seats

Units: About 23,000

Importer: Britax Child Safety Inc., of Charlotte, N.C.

Hazard: The harness chest clip can break and pose a laceration hazard. Due to its small size it also poses a choking hazard.

Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received four reports of the chest clip breaking. Injuries from three reports included minor lacerations and scratches to arms and a finger; and one report involved an infant placing the clip in his mouth.

Description: This recall involves Chaperone infant car seats with model numbers E9L95P2 (Red Mill), E9L95P3, E9L95P5 (Cowmooflage), E9L69N9 (Moonstone) manufactured between April 2009 and May 2010. The white serial label with the seat’s serial number, model number, and manufacture date can be found on the underside of the car seat.

Sold at: Mass and independent retailers nationwide and on the Britax website from June 2009 to October 2010 for about $230.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately contact Britax for a free repair kit, which includes a replacement chest clip. Registered owners have been directly contacted by Britax. This product was also recalled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Recall Notice: http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/recalls/results.cfm?rcl_id=10C006000&searchtype=quicksearch&summary=true&refurl=rss

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Britax at (888) 427-4829 anytime, or visit the firm's website at www.britax.com

Picture of Recalled Infant Car Seat


2012年1月20日 星期五

nascence,research,re- , reset, resettle

The Next Real Estate Crisis

By April, 2009, hundreds of thousands of option ARM mortgages will begin resetting, bringing on a fresh wave of foreclosures


The verb reset has 3 meanings:
Meaning #1: set anew
Meaning #2: set to zero
Meaning #3: adjust again after an initial failure
Synonym: readjust
v. tr. - 重新設定, 重新組合, 重新放置
n. - 重新設定, 重排, 重新組合
日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 置き直す, はめ直す, 研ぎ直す, 整骨する

verb [I or T]
to (be helped or forced to) move to another place to live:
His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century.
The US government forcibly resettled the Native Americans in reservations.

noun [U]
the resettlement of refugees

━━ vt. 再び定住させる[植民する] ((in)).
━━ vi. 再び植民する.
 re・settle・ment ━━ n. 再移住[定住].


(noun) A coming into being; birth.

birth, nativity


His groundbreaking research marked the nascence of a new discipline in the field of genetic engineering.


Again; anew: rebuild.
Backward; back: react.
Used as an intensive: refine.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin.]


(rĭ-sûrch', rē'sûrch')

Scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry. See synonyms at inquiry.
Close, careful study.

v., -searched, -search·ing, -search·es. v.intr.

To engage in or perform research.

To study (something) thoroughly so as to present in a detailed, accurate manner: researching the effects of acid rain.
To do research for: research a magazine article.

[Obsolete French recerche, from recercher, to search closely, from Old French : re-, re- + cerchier, to search; see search.]

researchable re·search'a·ble adj.

researcher re·search'er or re·search'ist n.

発音記号[risə'ːrtʃ, ríːsəːrtʃ]

[名](複 〜・es 〔-iz〕)

1 [U]((時に〜es))(…の)研究, 調査, 探究, 調べもの((after, into, on ...)). ▼researchesの前にmanyや数詞はこない

a good piece of research


research in nuclear physics


research and development

研究開発(略:R & D)

do research [=carry out research [researches]] on ...

…を研究[調査]する(▼×make researchとはいわない)

conduct research into the origin of the dispute


2 ((形容詞的))研究[調査]の

a research worker


3 [U]研究能力, 研究意欲

a scientist of great research


━━[動](自)(…を)調査研究する((into, on ...)).

━━(他)…を調査[研究]する, 〈論文・本を〉書く準備として調査[研究]する.

[中フランス語recerche (re-強意+cerche探す). △SEARCH]




2012年1月17日 星期二

train set, ration/ration cards

Putting forth the argument on behalf of Google, senior advocate Neeraj Kishan Kaul said, “It’s easy for people to say you can use filters. If we were to block the word sex, for instance, all data on ration cards, passports etc will get blocked in one go, as the word sex figures in all this data, so what wrong we are doing if this word is being used by any individual? It is difficult to analyse as to in what sense the word is being used.”

ration 配給
ration cards are cards or stamps that allowed the government to ration out food and supplies to that card or stamp holder when they were in short supply. ...


"This is all happening because my father didn’t buy me a train set as a kid."
WARREN BUFFETT, joking about his decision to buy a railroad, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation.

A train set is a set, normally consisting of a train, a circle/oval of track and a controller. More modern variations, such as those made by Bachmann and Hornby (Both UK companies), can include a siding or two, digital control in replacement of analogue control and more than one train.

2012年1月16日 星期一

She can sit on my face anytime.

She can sit on my face anytime.
((米卑))彼女みたいないい女とならいつでもセックスしたい, 一手お手合わせしたくなるほどいい女だ.

玉燕的解釋 謝謝

一手 :(過)一招
手合わせ :交易、成交


2012年1月15日 星期日

disorder, disarray, protracted and chaotic

Fear of Civil War Mounts in Syria as Crisis Deepens

The failure of an Arab League mission and a government as defiant as its opposition is in disarray have thrust Syria into what increasingly looks like a protracted and chaotic conflict.

grim︰形容詞,殘酷的、嚴厲的、(口)糟糕的、討厭的。例句︰The music was grim.(這音樂糟透了。)
. That’s why senior tutors and myself will be teaching, so we can ensure there’s a parity of experience across the platforms.”

"This is a major problem," Suraya Dalil, Afghanistan’s acting public health minister, said. "More than 60 percent of Afghans are suffering from stress disorders and mental problems."「這是重大的問題,」阿富汗公共衛生代理部長蘇拉雅.達莉說。「逾6成的阿富汗人承受壓力障礙與精神問題之苦。」The picture is particularly grim in parts of the country where government healthcare workers are unable to provide basic services because of Taliban insurgency, she said. "Extreme poverty, insecurity, violence and gender disparities are the major factors contributing to worsening mental health in Afghanistan."她表示,這樣的局面在部分因神學士叛亂,使政府醫療照護人員無法提供基本服務的地區尤為嚴峻。「極度貧困、不安定、暴力與性別不平等是阿富汗精神健康問題惡化的主因。」

disorder(dĭs-ôr'dər) pronunciation
  1. A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion.
  2. A breach of civic order or peace; a public disturbance.
  3. An ailment that affects the function of mind or body: eating disorders and substance abuse.
tr.v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders.
  1. To throw into confusion or disarray.
  2. To disturb the normal physical or mental health of; derange.
  • [disɔ'ːrdər]
1 [U]無秩序, 混乱, 混雑, 乱脈
fall into disorder
throw ... into disorder
The kitchen was in disorder.
The box contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.
2 不規則, 無規律, 不法(行為);[U][C]((しばしば〜s))秩序撹乱(かくらん)(行為), 治安紊乱(びんらん)行為;(社会的・政治的)無秩序, 混乱, 騒動, 騒擾(そうじょう)
There have been no student disorders on this campus.
3 [U][C](心身機能の)不調, 異常, 障害, 病気, 疾患
a liver disorder
nervous disorders
suffer from a mental disorder
1 …の秩序を乱す, を乱雑にする, 混乱させる, 撹乱する.
2 〈心身の〉異常を起こさせる, 調子を狂わせる.

shavings, curl up, dig up, Speak French

Newt's Latest Mitt Attack: "He Speaks French"

Gingrich follows liberal group’s lead, digs up old Olympic footage to make the John Kerry connection.

Speak French/Greek 表示說的話別人不懂

Antiquarian booklovers happy not to turn a new page
Between audiobooks and electronic readers like the Kindle, there's no doubtthe publishing industry is turning increasingly digital. Still, for manyreaders, nothing beats curling up with a book – and for some, the olderthe book, the better.
The DW-WORLD Articlehttp://newsletter.dw-world.de/re?l=ew3zb1I44va89pI0

Dr Zhang had previously invented a method to clean groundwater and contaminated soil using iron nanoparticles. While effective, such nanoparticles are expensive: about $100 a kilogram, which can prohibit their use in developing countries.

Dr Zhang, who is from China and who went to college in Shanghai, thought iron shavings, which have a large surface area, may provide a cheap alternative. Scrap iron currently costs about 20 cents a kilogram in China. His idea was to treat industrial wastewater by passing it through the iron shavings, and then treat it as municipal wastewater. First, the non-biodegradable industrial chemicals are attracted to the surface of the iron shavings, where they react by sharing electrons with the iron and become degraded. (The iron gets oxidised in the process.) Then, any biodegradable contaminants that remain are neutralised by the second step.

Curly wafers of wood produced when trimming wood with a plane; used as bedding for horses. See also sawdust.

IN BRIEF: The trimmings left over after cutting one's hair or beard.

2012年1月12日 星期四

entities, grading, upgrading, wealth divide, tension, conflict

Americans Say Rich vs. Poor Is Nation's Main Source of Conflict

In a new survey, the wealth divide overtook immigration as the top issue causing tension in the U.S.

"I don't blame Obama. I don't blame him at all." ABDUL MALIK, an unemployed grading and landscape worker who says he will vote for President Obama again.

5 建物周辺の地盤面.

Taipei, March 1 (CNA) In a gesture of upgrading the importance of Japan- Taiwan tourism exchanges, the Interchange Association, Japan (IAJ) will take over the task from a private entity starting April 1, sources said Tuesday. Toshinobu Ikubo, head of ...

(ĕn'tĭ-tē) pronunciation

n., pl., -ties.
  1. Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit: Persons and corporations are equivalent entities under the law.
  2. The fact of existence; being.
  3. The existence of something considered apart from its properties.

[Medieval Latin entitās, from Latin ēns, ent-, present participle of esse, to be.]

1 (実在する)物;(他から独立した)存在(物);独立体
a legal entity
a political entity
2 [U](属性に対して)本質, 実体.
3 ((略式))もの.

Not so long ago, sovereign-wealth funds were a popular source of investment funds at Western companies. During the financial crisis, in particular, banks were grateful for the help they got from such investors. But events in Libya show how quickly attitudes can change.
On Tuesday, Pearson froze the Libyan Investment Authority's 3.27% stake in the company, to comply with a U.K. Treasury order freezing assets owned by Col. Moammar Gadhafi, his sons and entities they control. As a result, the LIA can't sell its shares in Pearson or receive a dividend.

1 階級, 等級;(食品の)品質等級
grade B eggs
people of different social grades
2 同一階級[等級, 品質, 程度]に属する人[物].
3 ((米))
(1) 学年, 年級(((英))form). ▼1st grade-6th gradeが小学校, 7th grade-9th gradeが中学校, 10th grade-12th gradeが高等学校に当たる
his sixth-grade teacher
I'm in the 11th grade.
(2) (同学年の)全生徒.
(3) ((the 〜s))小学校.
(4) ((主に米))成績の評点, 評価, 段階点. ▼米国の大学などの標準的な成績評価法では, A-excellent(秀), B-good(優), C-fair(良), D-minimum passing(可), F-failed(不可)が使われている
have [gain] outstanding grades in science
4 ((米))(道路・線路の)傾斜度, 勾配(こうばい)(((英))gradient);斜面, 坂
3.5 percent grade
go up the grade
on the up [down] grade
5 建物周辺の地盤面.
6 改良雑種.
at grade
((米))同水準で, 同一平面で, 同じ高さの;(河床の)沈殿物の量が変わらずに.
make the grade
目標に達する, うまくやる, 合格[成功]する
make the grade for a degree
up to grade
(品質が)水準に達した, 規格に当てはまる.
1 …を等級分けする, 類別[選別]する;…の等級を定める, 格づけする.
2 ((米))…に成績をつける, を採点する(((英))mark).
3 〈色彩などを〉だんだんぼかす.
4 …の傾斜を減らす, 勾配をゆるくする;…を平坦(へいたん)にする.
5 〈雑種・劣等種の動物を〉純血種と交配させる.
1I([副])/II[形][名]]等級別になっている, 格づけされている;(特定の)等級[格づけ, 品質]である
It grades A [B].
2 〈色彩などが〉しだいに他の色に移る, だんだんぼける.
grade ... up/grade up ...
(1) …を品種改良する.
(2) …を格上げする.
grade up with ...
…と肩を並べる, …に匹敵する.
[フランス語←ラテン語gradus(gradi行く, 踏む+-us過去分詞語尾)踏まれてできるもの→段階. △GRADUAL, GRADIENT, PROGRESS, DEGREE

2012年1月8日 星期日

give the lie to the old "bird brain" insult

《中英對照讀新聞》Who you calling bird brain? Pigeons can count as well as monkeys, claims study 你說誰沒腦袋?研究宣稱鴿子數數能力和猴子一樣好


We already knew that they are rather good at finding their way home. But it seems that pigeons have another remarkable talent – they can count.


Until now, only humans and other primates were thought to be able to use abstract numerical rules in this way.


The researchers initially trained the pigeons by presenting them with 35 sets of three images, each with one, two, or three objects of different size, colour and shape. They were rewarded with wheat when they pecked the images in the correct ascending sequence.


Next, they were presented with pairs of images with between one and nine objects and tested on their ability to respond to them in ascending order.


’Somewhat surprisingly, their performance is on a par with that of monkeys,’ said Dr Damian Scarf, of the University of Otago in New Zealand.


’Our findings add to a growing body of evidence that pigeons are among a number of avian species exhibiting impressive mental abilities that really do give the lie to the old "bird brain" insult.’



bird brain:俚語,意指一個人沒什麼腦袋,笨蛋。形容詞:birdbrained。例句:She is really a bird brain.(她真是笨蛋。)

somewhat:副詞,稍微、有點;或當代名詞,某事/物、幾分,後接of。例句:I’m somewhat upset about your attitude.(你的態度令我有點不爽。)

give the lie to:片語,揭穿謊言、不正確或不真實之事,反駁。例句:The government’s statistics gave the lie to it’s own claims of economic boom.(政府的統計數據反駁了政府自己宣稱經濟繁榮的說法。)

Show to be false, refute, as in His black eye gave the lie to his contention that he hadn't been fighting. [First half of 1500s]

Canticle, Song of Songs, catechism

Canticle of Canticles :雅歌:舊約之一卷,詩歌體裁,相傳為撒羅滿(所羅門)王所作,亦稱 Song of Songs 。描寫天主對以色列選民的愛。

(kăn'tĭ-kəl) pronunciation
  1. A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text other than from the Book of Psalms.
  2. Canticles Bible. The Song of Songs.

[Middle English, from Latin canticulum, diminutive of cantus, song, from past participle of canere, to sing.]

catechesis L./ Gr. :教理講授;教理(書);要理講授:慕道者領洗前應先接受教理講解。也可引伸為教友間的信仰對話、見證、分享藉以培養信仰生命。

catechetical directory :教理講授指南。

catechetics :要理教學法;教理講授學。

catechism :教理問答;要理問答;教理書:以問答形式講解天主教倫理和教義之手冊,一般是為了培育準備領洗、領堅振、領聖體者,始於十六世紀。梵二後,中國主教團先後出版了《天主教的信仰》、《天主教信仰問答》、《天主教教理》。

Catechism of the Catholic Church :天主教教理:一九九二年公佈,共 2865 條,內容分信條、聖事、十誡、祈禱四部份。

catechist :傳教員;傳道員(師);教理講授員。

2012年1月4日 星期三

English 900「三如堂」主人

English 900「三如堂」主人

琦君(1979)三如堂主人》收入《文英集》香港 讀者文摘   遠東1987,頁84-89。




再加上其外子說,旁人指正他的缺點 絕對接受,可說是「從善如流」


,這本書中主要的英語自習教材,乃是一套《英語九百句》English 900

English 900 英語九百句


2012年1月3日 星期二

carefully shrun, kdarkened theater, Shrinking Window for Movie Releases

Panetta to Offer Strategy for Cutting Military Budget

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta is set to present a strategy for $450 billion in cuts over the next 10 years — and an outline of a carefully shrunk military.

Reel Time: The Incredible Shrinking Window for Movie Releases

A decade ago, movie fans who wanted to forgo paying theater admission waited an average of five months before they could watch a film in their own living rooms. Today, the window between theatrical releases and distribution via other channels like DVDs and cable television has shrunk to four months or less -- and in some cases has even disappeared, with films making their debuts simultaneously in multiple channels. According to Wharton faculty, declining DVD sales and other pressures mean that studios are likely to continue experimenting aggressively with movie release timing. Still, the pleasure of watching a movie in a darkened theater is not likely to go away any time soon, they say.