2012年1月12日 星期四

entities, grading, upgrading, wealth divide, tension, conflict

Americans Say Rich vs. Poor Is Nation's Main Source of Conflict

In a new survey, the wealth divide overtook immigration as the top issue causing tension in the U.S.

"I don't blame Obama. I don't blame him at all." ABDUL MALIK, an unemployed grading and landscape worker who says he will vote for President Obama again.

5 建物周辺の地盤面.

Taipei, March 1 (CNA) In a gesture of upgrading the importance of Japan- Taiwan tourism exchanges, the Interchange Association, Japan (IAJ) will take over the task from a private entity starting April 1, sources said Tuesday. Toshinobu Ikubo, head of ...

(ĕn'tĭ-tē) pronunciation

n., pl., -ties.
  1. Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit: Persons and corporations are equivalent entities under the law.
  2. The fact of existence; being.
  3. The existence of something considered apart from its properties.

[Medieval Latin entitās, from Latin ēns, ent-, present participle of esse, to be.]

1 (実在する)物;(他から独立した)存在(物);独立体
a legal entity
a political entity
2 [U](属性に対して)本質, 実体.
3 ((略式))もの.

Not so long ago, sovereign-wealth funds were a popular source of investment funds at Western companies. During the financial crisis, in particular, banks were grateful for the help they got from such investors. But events in Libya show how quickly attitudes can change.
On Tuesday, Pearson froze the Libyan Investment Authority's 3.27% stake in the company, to comply with a U.K. Treasury order freezing assets owned by Col. Moammar Gadhafi, his sons and entities they control. As a result, the LIA can't sell its shares in Pearson or receive a dividend.

1 階級, 等級;(食品の)品質等級
grade B eggs
people of different social grades
2 同一階級[等級, 品質, 程度]に属する人[物].
3 ((米))
(1) 学年, 年級(((英))form). ▼1st grade-6th gradeが小学校, 7th grade-9th gradeが中学校, 10th grade-12th gradeが高等学校に当たる
his sixth-grade teacher
I'm in the 11th grade.
(2) (同学年の)全生徒.
(3) ((the 〜s))小学校.
(4) ((主に米))成績の評点, 評価, 段階点. ▼米国の大学などの標準的な成績評価法では, A-excellent(秀), B-good(優), C-fair(良), D-minimum passing(可), F-failed(不可)が使われている
have [gain] outstanding grades in science
4 ((米))(道路・線路の)傾斜度, 勾配(こうばい)(((英))gradient);斜面, 坂
3.5 percent grade
go up the grade
on the up [down] grade
5 建物周辺の地盤面.
6 改良雑種.
at grade
((米))同水準で, 同一平面で, 同じ高さの;(河床の)沈殿物の量が変わらずに.
make the grade
目標に達する, うまくやる, 合格[成功]する
make the grade for a degree
up to grade
(品質が)水準に達した, 規格に当てはまる.
1 …を等級分けする, 類別[選別]する;…の等級を定める, 格づけする.
2 ((米))…に成績をつける, を採点する(((英))mark).
3 〈色彩などを〉だんだんぼかす.
4 …の傾斜を減らす, 勾配をゆるくする;…を平坦(へいたん)にする.
5 〈雑種・劣等種の動物を〉純血種と交配させる.
1I([副])/II[形][名]]等級別になっている, 格づけされている;(特定の)等級[格づけ, 品質]である
It grades A [B].
2 〈色彩などが〉しだいに他の色に移る, だんだんぼける.
grade ... up/grade up ...
(1) …を品種改良する.
(2) …を格上げする.
grade up with ...
…と肩を並べる, …に匹敵する.
[フランス語←ラテン語gradus(gradi行く, 踏む+-us過去分詞語尾)踏まれてできるもの→段階. △GRADUAL, GRADIENT, PROGRESS, DEGREE
