2011年9月9日 星期五

to one's name,dramshop, pothouse, public house

...landowners with no more than about a hundred serfs to their names....

to one's name,

Owned by one, as in He has not got a nickel to his name, or She has only one pair of shoes to her name. This idiom was first recorded in 1876.


A shop or barroom where spirits are sold by the dram.


  • 発音記号[drǽm]

1 ドラム:薬用単位;60grainsまたは1/8 ounce(3.887959g).
2 ドラム:常用単位;27.344grainsまたは1/16 ounce(1.772g).
3fluid dram.
4 (酒類の)一口, 微量;((通例否定文))((英))少量, わずか.


[名]((英))居酒屋, 飲み屋.
