2014年12月17日 星期三

in a holding pattern, holding graduation celebrations under the circumstances was an act of will

Diplomas, and Anxiety, for Japanese Pupils

For parents and teachers, . holding graduation celebrations under the circumstances was an act of will

倫敦關領空】關閉近一小時影響10機場陷混亂  12.12


受影響之一的倫敦希斯路機場(Heathrow Airport),職員透露提供空管服務的國家空中交通服務公司(NATS),位於英格蘭漢普郡的控制中心周五出現電力故障,令相關電腦系統受影響,但NATS否認關閉空域,表示只是有限度開放。

蓋特維克機場、盧頓機場、斯坦斯特德機場、倫敦城市機場等均受影響,航班要延誤甚至或停飛。而曼徹斯特(Manchester Airport)機場表示,未受故障影響,準備協助分流並讓受影響航班改降。



In aviationholding (or flying a hold) is a maneuver designed to delay an aircraft already in flight while keeping it within a specified airspace.[1]航空中,'等待航線指使飛機在一個規定的空域內進行盤旋等待。 [1]

Flyers using London Heathrow had another miserable time this weekend. Around 90 flights were cancelled at the world’s third-busiest airport. The air-traffic control centre at Swanwick employs a notoriously creaky computer system. Flying into London's main airport can be such a frustrating experience that many business travellers dread being dispatched there http://econ.st/1svSkl8

Travel chaos in London.
