Where’s the best place in the world to live? Well, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Vancouver in Canada ticks all the boxes.
tick [名]
1 (答案の正解やリスト項目の確認を示す)チェックマーク(
2 (時計などの)カチカチという音;(心臓の)ドキドキという音.
3 ((単数形))((主に英話))短い時間, 瞬間
at seven o'clock on [to] the tick
in (half) a tick [=in two ticks]
4 (株などの)動き.
1 〈時計などが〉カチカチ音を立てる((away)).
2 〈時が〉刻々と過ぎる((away, by, on, past));〈ニュースなどが〉刻々とはいる((in)).
3 ((略式))〈機械などが〉動く, 働く(function).
1 〈時間を〉カチカチと刻む((away, out, off));〈通信文などを〉カチカチと打ち出す((out)).
2 ((主に英))〈項目などに〉印をつける, 照合する(((米))check)((off)).
tick ... off/tick off ...
(1) ⇒(他)1, 2(2) 〈メーターなどが〉〈料金などを〉知らせる;〈人などを〉確認する, 見わける.
(3) ((英略式))〈人を〉しかる, たしなめる.
(4) ((米略式))〈人を〉憤慨させる
get ticked off at ...
(5) ((米俗))…に密告する.…で憤慨する.
tick over
((英))(自)(1) 〈乗り物のエンジンが〉空転する.
(2) ((しばしば進行形))((英))〈人が〉特別の変化もなく暮らしていく;〈事が〉よくも悪くもなく進んでいく.
[tick ... over/tick over ...]
〈エンジンを〉ゆっくり空転させる.what makes a person tick
〈人を〉動かす原動力, 〈人の〉行動原理Can you figure out what makes John tick?
tick box
In a country where the inclusion of a far right MP on a mainstream political panel show can prompt widespread blanket disapproval because of his inability to get beyond classifications of people on a racial basis, it is surprising that every day this country proves itself to be obsessed with racial classification. Even more surprising that those dignified types screaming and spitting through the gates of BBC centre are the same people calling for this racial classification.