2011年1月6日 星期四

Genchi genbutsu

Genchi genbutsu is a Japanese phrase meaning "go and see for yourself," which is a central pillar of the Toyota Way, the famous management system adopted by the Japanese car company. We think we see what we see, but we don't. We really see what we think. The best way to understand a problem is to go and see it on the shop floor.

中文品質筆記: Gemba, Genchi, Genbutsu, 現場﹑現地﹑現物

2006年12月12日 ... 吾人到現場後﹐客觀﹑耐心地觀察環境(Genchi﹐げんち﹐現地)與作業對象(Genbutsu
げんぶつ﹐現物)﹐遇到疑問以問五個為什麼的精神﹐必定能夠做到有效 ...
