2014年4月19日 星期六

skirt, coat, cross-border, heat up, talent war, greatcoat, thundercloud, burgomaster, sing for my supper, White coat hypertension

白大衣高血壓White coat hypertension,又譯白衣高血壓白大褂高血壓白袍高血壓診室高血壓邊緣性高血壓),或稱白袍效應(white coat effect),指平時在家血壓正常,但是在醫院到診間讓醫護人員測量血壓,見到穿著白袍的醫生時,血壓會高於140/90mmHg的現象。
白大褂高血壓被認為是介於正常和高血壓病 之間的一個狀態。可能是因為壓力緊張所致,有些人因為條件反射或其他原因,一見到穿白袍的醫生就心裡緊張,全身交感神經反應,血管收縮,導致血壓上升。在 其他地方,甚至換個護士測血壓,就沒有那麼緊張,血壓就偏低。有人統計,進診室前後,血壓平均可差27/14mmHg。也因此確診為高血壓病時要慎重,至 少門診不同時間3次測壓均高才能算,或者讓醫師評估你平時居家血壓測量的紀錄值,有人甚至提出要求不同時日3次測壓均高,才能確診是否有高血壓

MF Global Trustee Seeks Money From British Arm The trustee liquidating MF Global's trading operations said that his office was seeking the return of more than $600 million from the failed firm's British arm, potentially setting up a cross-border fight over customer money.

App Developers Skirt Apple's Limits
The cat-and-mouse game between the Bay Area's legion of mobile developers and app kingmaker Apple is heating up.

Start-Ups Need Staff to Get Investors' Cash
Many Silicon Valley start-ups have had a tough time finding qualified computer engineers amid a growing talent war here. Investors are adding to the pressure.

Charities With Ties to Lawmakers Skirt Ethics Rules
Corporations can make unlimited gifts to the organizations, making them an easy way for businesses to gain access to politicians, who meanwhile benefit from goodwill they can foster in their community through donations.

More Than a Million Lose Power as Snow Coats Region

A rare winter storm bearing ferocious winds rolled into the Northeast on Saturday, interrupting power for more than a million customers and threatening to topple October snowfall records. 

sing for one's supper
Work for one's pay or reward, as in Entertaining visiting scientists is part of the job; you know I have to sing for my supper. This metaphoric term alludes to wandering minstrels who performed in taverns and were paid with a meal. First recorded in 1609, it gained currency with the familiar nursery rhyme, "Little Tommy Tucker, sings for his supper" (c. 1744).

(bûr'gə-măs'tər) pronunciation
The principal magistrate, comparable to a mayor, of a city or town in the Netherlands, Flanders, Austria, or Germany.

[Partial translation of Dutch burgemeester : burg, town (from Middle Dutch burch) + meester, master.]





[with object] Back to top  
  • 1Provide with a layer or covering of something: her right leg was coated in plaster coat each part with a thin oil (as adjective, in combination -coated) plastic-coated wire
  • 1.1(Of a substance) form a covering to: a film of dust coated the floor


Middle English: from Old French cote, of unknown ultimate origin.
coats (複数形) • coating (現在分詞) • coats (三人称単数現在)
cut one's coat according to one's cloth, trail one's coat, turn one's coat, (全3件)
1 コート,外套(がいとう);(上半身をおおい,そでのある)長上着;((英古風・米))(背広・女性用スーツの)上着
a suit coat
a coat and skirt
2 (動物の)毛,被毛;(植物の)(樹)皮,果皮
the coats of an onion
3 表面をおおうもの;(ペンキ・ニスなどの)塗り,めっき;(ほこりなどの)層
two coats of paint
a thin coat of dust on the table
cut one's coat according to one's cloth
trail [drag] one's coat [=coattails]
挑戦的な態度を取る,けんかを売る. ▼わざと上着のすそを引きずって歩き,すそを踏む者とは戦う用意があることを示したスコットランドの習慣から.
turn [change] one's coat
1 …に上着を着せる.
2 …を(粘性の液体・物体で)おおう,…に(…を)塗る((with ...))
The clothes were coated with mud.
3 〈ほこりなどが〉〈物の〉表面をおおう;〈金属などに〉(おおいとして)(…を)かぶせる((with, in ...))
iron coated with tin


(thŭn'dər-kloud') pronunciation

  1. A large dark cloud charged with electricity and producing thunder and lightning; a cumulonimbus cloud.
  2. Something menacing or dreadful: thunderclouds of impending war.

(grāt'kōt') pronunciation
A heavy overcoat.

heat up
Become acute or intense, as in If inflation heats up, the interest rate will surely rise, or The debate over the budget was heating up. [Early 1200s]
1 スカート;(ドレスなどの)すそ;スカート状のもの, すそ部
a tight skirt
put on [take off] a skirt
2 (馬のくらの)あおり革.
3 (機械・列車などの)スカート, おおい.
4 ((通例〜s))へり, 端;郊外(outskirts)
live on the skirts of the village
5 ((略式))女;女の子
a piece [a bit] of skirt
1 …のへりを通る[にある]
The railroad line skirts the business district.
2 …を縁どる.
3 …を回避する.
1 (…の)周りにある[を進む]((around, round ...));(…の)へり沿いに進む((along ...)).
2 (…を)回避する((around, round ...)).
[古ノルド語. 原義は「短いもの」でSHORTと同系. SHIRTとはもと同一語であったが, 北欧系ではsk-となった]

  1. The part of a garment, such as a dress or coat, that hangs freely from the waist down.
  2. A garment hanging from the waist and worn by women and girls.
  3. A part or attachment resembling the skirt of a garment, especially:
    1. One of the leather flaps hanging from the side of a saddle.
    2. The lower outer section of a rocket vehicle.
    3. A flexible strip hanging from the base of an air-cushion vehicle.
    4. A piece of fabric that extends over or beyond something to afford protection.
  4. An outer edge; a border or margin: a base camp on the skirt of the mountain.
  5. skirts The edge, as of a town; the outskirts.
  6. Offensive Slang. A woman.

v., skirt·ed, skirt·ing, skirts. v.tr.
  1. To lie along or form the edge of; border: the creek that skirts our property.
  2. To pass around rather than across or through: changed their course to skirt the storm.
  3. To pass close to; miss narrowly: The bullet skirted an artery.
  4. To evade, as by circumlocution: skirted the controversial issue.
To lie along, move along, or be an edge or a border.

[Middle English, from Old Norse skyrta, shirt.]
