2014年10月27日 星期一

organ harvest/trafficking, slice,“rectal exams”, cashew,

Guo Bin, a six-year-old boy from Shanxi province, in northern China, thought the sky had gone permanently dark when he woke up, one day this summer, bloody-faced and crying near his parents’ home. “We originally thought he...

China is still taking organs from people it executes, but says it will begin to rely solely on voluntary organ donation by the end of the year.

2012.11 China Accelerates Plan to Phase Out Prisoner Organ Harvesting
Wall Street Journal (blog)
China plans to launch a national voluntary organ donation system early next year in a bid to fulfill growing transplant lists and phase out its long-criticized reliance on organs from executed prisoners. The country's Ministry of Health has ...

Europe Fears Rising Greek Cost
Negotiators for banks and governments are working to complete a promised debt restructuring for Greece that will slice in half what the nation owes its private bondholders.

The accusations linking Mr. Hurd to improper spending resonate because he had built up a culture of severe financial accountability at H.P. A former H.P. executive said that Mr. Hurd’s meetings were known internally as “rectal exams” because of the fierce questioning.
“If you put up a slide with lower financial forecasts, he would spot it right away,” the executive said, requesting anonymity because he still deals with H.P. “Then, he would demand that you fix the situation.”

Stories abound of Mr. Hurd’s slicing into marketing costs and making employees fight for every dollar in the budget (although Mr. Hurd often found marketing money to sponsor tennis events, uniting his love of the sport with H.P.).

Farmers in Ghana put their hopes on fair trade cashews

Africa produces about 40 percent of the global cashew crop. Some
smaller-scale farmers in Ghana are taking cashew farming a step further -
and pinning their hopes on fair trade practices to improve their lives.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

Cashews ready for harvest in Kollam,

Cashew nuts, salted
rec·tum (rĕk'təm) pronunciation

n., pl., -tums, or -ta (-tə).
The terminal portion of the large intestine, extending from the sigmoid colon to the anal canal.

[Middle English, from Latin (intestīnum) rēctum, straight (intestine), neuter of rēctus.]


  1. To cut or divide into slices: slice a loaf of bread.
  2. To cut from a larger piece: slice off a piece of salami.
  3. To cut through or across with or as if with a knife: The harvester sliced the field.
  4. To divide into portions or shares; parcel out.
  5. To spread, work at, or clear away with a bladed tool such as a slice bar.
  6. Sports. To hit (a ball) with a slice.

[名][C][U]1 収穫, 取り入れ, 採取;(魚・アザラシなどの)捕獲. ⇒CROP[類語] an early harvest早い収穫.2 収穫期, 刈り入れ時.3 収穫量, 産出高, 収穫...
