How to Be Frugal and Still Be Asked on Dates
Line breaks: dur|ation
Pronunciation: /djʊˈreɪʃ(ə)n
Pronunciation: /djʊˈreɪʃ(ə)n
late Middle English: via Old French from medieval Latinduratio(n-), from durare 'to last', from durus 'hard'.
late Middle English: via Old French from medieval Latinduratio(n-), from durare 'to last', from durus 'hard'.
for the duration
- Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
- A statement of calendar time, as on a document.
- A specified day of a month.
- A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen.
- dates The years of someone's birth and death: Beethoven's dates were 1770 to 1827.
- The time during which something lasts; duration.
- The time or historical period to which something belongs: artifacts of a later date.
- An appointment: a luncheon date with a client; a date with destiny. See synonyms at engagement.
- An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
- One's companion on such an outing.
- An engagement for a performance: has four singing dates this month.
- Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
- A statement of calendar time, as on a document.
- A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen.
- dates The years of someone's birth and death: Beethoven's dates were 1770 to 1827.
- An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
- One's companion on such an outing.