2012年11月15日 星期四

shuck, aw-shucks, shell of invulnerability

■"The shell of invulnerability that Rupert Murdoch had around him has been cracked."

Interactive: So Many Tomorrows
"Tomorrow," more than any other song from the musical "Annie," best sums up the title orphan's aw-shucks hopefulness for a better day.

(shĕl) pronunciation
    1. The usually hard outer covering that encases certain organisms, such as mollusks, insects, and turtles; the carapace.
    2. A similar outer covering on an egg, fruit, or nut.
    3. The material that constitutes such a covering.
  1. Something resembling or having the form of a shell, especially:
    1. An external, usually hard, protective or enclosing case or cover.
    2. A framework or exterior, as of a building.
    3. A thin layer of pastry.
    4. The external part of the ear.
  2. Nautical.
    1. The hull of a ship.
    2. A light, long, narrow racing boat propelled by rowers.
  3. A small glass for beer.
    1. An artillery projectile containing an explosive charge.
    2. A metal or cardboard case containing the charge and primer for a piece of firearms ammunition, especially one also containing shot and fired from a shotgun.
  4. An attitude or a manner adopted to mask one's true feelings or to protect one from perceived or real danger.
  5. Physics.
    1. Any of the set of hypothetical spherical surfaces centered on the nucleus of an atom that contain the orbitals of electrons having the same principal quantum number.
    2. An analogous pattern of protons and neutrons within a nucleus.
    1. A usually sleeveless and collarless, typically knit blouse, often worn under another top.
    2. The outermost layer of a lined garment such as a coat or jacket: a parka with a waterproof shell.
  6. Computer Science. A program that works with the operating system as a command processor, used to enter commands and initiate their execution.
  7. A company or corporation with few or no assets or independent operations that is acquired by another company in order to allow the acquiring company to conduct business under the acquired company's legitimate legal standing.

(1) 貝殻;(カメの)甲(羅)(tortoise shell);(甲殻類・カタツムリ・鳥の卵の)殻;(昆虫の)さやばね, さなぎの外皮;(植物の実・種子などの)殻, 莢(さや)
an insect's outer shell
(2) [U](細工用の)貝殻, べっ甲.
(3) 軟体動物;(特に)貝.
2 (殻のような)堅い入れ物, 貝殻形の容器, 覆い.
3 心を閉ざす殻, 閉ざした心;見せかけ, 外観
remain in one's own shell
come out of one's shell
retire [go, crawl, retreat] into one's shell
have a soft shell
情にもろい, 温和だ.
4 砲弾, 破裂弾;砲弾式の花火;((米))(小兵器・猟銃用の)薬きょう, 薬包, 弾薬筒(cartridge).
5 《物理学》(電子)殻.
6 ((米))シェル(ボート):細長い競走用ボート.
7 (船体外部を構成する)外板.
8 屋根のついた競技場;(特に未完成の)建物の枠組;船体;車体.
9 (刀剣の)つば.
10 ((英))(パブリックスクールの)中間学年.
11 ((米))(そで・えりなしの)オーバーブラウス.
12 ビール用小グラス.
13 ((米))パイ皮.
14 《解剖学》外耳.
15 《コンピュータ》シェル:ユーザーインターフェースを提供するプログラム.
16 ((S-))シェル:石油会社.
in the shell
1 …を殻[さや]から取り出す, …の殻[さや]を取る(((米))shuck);〈トウモロコシの〉粒をしんから取る
(as) easy as shelling peas
shell eggs [oysters, peanuts]
ゆで卵をむく[カキの殻を取る, ピーナッツの殻をむく](▼「卵を割る」はbreak eggs).
2 …を砲撃する, …に弾丸を浴びせる.
3 ((俗))《野球》〈投手に〉猛打を浴びせる, 〈投手から〉大量得点する.
4 …に殻を敷く, を殻でおおう.
1 殻[さや]から出る;殻[さや]が取れる[落ちる].
2 〈金属片などが〉はがれる, むける((off)).
3 貝殻を拾う[集める].
shell out
((略式))(自)(大金を)(しぶしぶ)払う((for ...)).
[shell ... out/shell out ...]
[古英語scell. 原義は「分けたもの」. △SCALE1


shucks (複数形) • shucked (過去形) • shucked (過去分詞) • shucking (現在分詞) • shucks (三人称単数現在)
1 ((米))(トウモロコシ・クリなどの)皮, さや, 殻;(カキ・ハマグリなどの)殻.
2 ((通例〜s))((略式))無価値なもの;いかさま;うそつき, 不誠実な人
not worth shucks
1 ((米))…の皮[さや, 殻]を取る.
2 ((米略式))…を脱ぐ((off))
shuck off one's shoes
3 …を口先でごまかす, うまいことを言う.
━━[間]((〜s))((米略式))((当惑・不愉快・後悔))残念, 冗談じゃない, ちぇっ
Oh, shucks!
おい, よせよ(▼人からほめそやされたとき照れて言う).
