2012年1月23日 星期一

for better or worse, cerebrate, vagrancy, patter song

Booming Mongolia

Mine, all mine

The country that is likely to grow faster than any other in the next decade, and how it is changing, for better or worse

for better or worse
Under good or bad circumstances, with good or bad effect. For example, For better or for worse he trusts everyone. This term became widely familiar because it appears in the marriage service of the Book of Common Prayer (1549): "With this ring I thee wed, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, til death do us part." [Late 1300s]

cerebrate(verb) Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
Synonyms:cogitate, think
Usage:As they surveyed the damage, Jonathan did not ask his father how he would fix the tree house, instead allowing him stare and cerebrate in silence.

cerebrate, vagrancy, patter song

Under the pseudonym Boz, he wrote, “There is nothing we enjoy more than a little amateur vagrancy,” walking through London as though “the whole were an unknown region to our wandering mind.” Yet there was nothing remotely solitary about Dickens. One person who saw him in the highest spirits at a family party wrote that he “happily sang two or three songs, one the patter song, ‘The Dog’s Meat Man,’ and gave several successful imitations of the most distinguished actors of the day.”


  • 発音記号[véigrənsi]

1 浮浪状態;放浪(生活).
2 (考えや話の)脱線, 空想.


  • 発音記号[pǽtər]

1 (手品・サーカス・芝居などの)早口の口上[せりふ].
2 通語, 隠語.


  • 発音記号[sérəbrèit]
[動](自)頭を働かせる, 考える.
[名][U]大脳作用, 頭脳活動;思考.


  • 発音記号[séləbrèit]

1 〈特定の日・出来事を〉祝う, 祝賀[記念]する;〈祝典・儀式を〉挙行する, あげる, 行う
celebrate one's birthday [a victory]
celebrate Mass
2 ((形式))〈人・勲功などを〉(…として;…で)ほめたたえる, 賞賛[賛美]する((as ...;for ...));…を世に喧伝(けんでん)する
celebrate a hero in song
1 式典[祭典]を挙行する, 式典をあげて記念する;宗教的儀式[ミサ, 聖体拝領]を行う.
2 ((略式))祝杯をあげる, お祭り騒ぎをする, 浮かれ騒ぐ.
cel・e・bra・to・ry〔sélbrtri | -tri〕
