2014年10月3日 星期五

socioeconomic parameters, an accurate sensitivity to the configurations

Hong Kong Leader Won’t Resign, but He Offers Talks

But the chief executive, Leung Chun-ying, said any talks with protest leaders would be within the parameters of Beijing’s blueprint for political change in Hong Kong.

Bok "brings to the task a keenly analytical mind and an accurate sensitivity to the configurations
of institutional power and conflict."

What Every CEO Needs to Know About Nonmarket Strategy

Political, cultural, and socioeconomic parameters are shifting. Companies have an opportunity to capitalize on this phenomenon by managing their *nonmarket* strategy as purposefully as their market strategy. They just need to know that good-citizen qualities like leadership, flexibility, and value-creation are not necessarily the ones that a nonmarket strategy relies on. Read more »


(kən-fĭg'yə-rā'shən) pronunciation
    1. Arrangement of parts or elements.
    2. The form, as of a figure, determined by the arrangement of its parts or elements. See synonyms at form.
  1. Psychology. Gestalt.
  2. Chemistry. The structural arrangement of atoms in a compound or molecule.
  3. Computer Science.
    1. The way in which a computer system is set up: changed the configuration by resetting the parameters.
    2. The set of constituent components, such as memory, a hard disk, a monitor, and an operating system, that make up a computer system.
    3. The way that the components of a computer network are connected.
configurationally con·fig'u·ra'tion·al·ly adv.
configurative con·fig'u·ra'tive or con·fig'u·ra'tion·al adj.

1 (各部分・各要素の)相対的配置;(起伏のある)外形, 形状, 形
the geographical configuration of Japan
2 事情, 情況.
3 《天文》星位;星団;《化学》(原子の)(立体)配置.
4 《コンピュータ》(機器)構成.
5 《心理学》形態.


Line breaks: par|am¦eter
Pronunciation: /pəˈramɪtə 


1technical numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets theconditions of its operation:there are three parameters by which a speaker isable to modify the meaning of the utterance—pitch,volume, and tempo
1.1Mathematics A quantity whose value is selectedfor the particular circumstances and in relation towhich other variable quantities may beexpressed.
1.2Statistics numerical characteristic of apopulation, as distinct from a statistic of asample.
2limit or boundary which defines the scope of aparticular process or activity:the parameters within which the media work


mid 17th centurymodern Latin, from Greek para-'beside' + metron 'measure'.

1 数学パラメーター.
2 統計母集団特性値,母数.
3 コンピュータパラメーター:プログラムなどの実行の際に特定の値を与えられる変数.
4 ((通例~s))規定要因,特性,条件;限界
contract spelling out the parameters of the job
within the parameters of the discussion at hand
