2011年9月24日 星期六

uncork, consolidate, raise hackles

China Consolidates Grip on Rare Earths
New York Times
By KEITH BRADSHER BEIJING — In the name of fighting pollution, China has sent the price of compact fluorescent light bulbs soaring in the United States. Matt Rourke/Associated Press The price of compact fluorescent light bulbs has risen drastically in ...

WASHINGTON — President Obama met with the Dalai Lama on Thursday, welcoming the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader to the White House for a low-profile meeting that nonetheless raised the hackles of China.
Google Voice may raise more hackles with privacy advocates, and perhaps regulators, than it does with competitors. The service would allow Google, which already collects vast amounts of data about the behavior of Internet users, to gather information on their calling habits.
“It raises two distinct problems,” said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. “In the privacy world, it is increased profiling and tracking of users without safeguards. But the other problem is the growing consolidation of Internet-based services around one dominant company.”

to consolidate DRAM makers; China offers PC subsidy as part of stimulus; and EU negotiations on telecom rules stall. ...

“I would hesitate to uncork the Champagne just yet,” Professor McGlinchey said by telephone. “What he is doing is typical of any new leader trying to remove the legacy of a predecessor and consolidate his hold on power.”

verb [T]
to open a bottle by pulling out its cork (= cylindrical piece of soft wood used to close it):
"Who's for some more wine?" asked Polly, uncorking another bottle.

verb [I or T]
1 to become, or cause something to become, stronger and more certain:
The success of their major product consolidated the firm's position in the market.
She hoped that marriage would consolidate their relationship.
The party consolidated its hold on power during its term of office.
The company has been expanding rapidly and I feel it's now time to consolidate (= stop growing and make our present position stronger).

2 to combine several things, especially businesses, so that they become more effective, or to be combined in this way:
The two firms consolidated to form a single company.

consolidated trading/accounts

noun [C or U]
The company is entering a period of consolidation (= becoming better and stronger at what it does).
We have seen a similar consolidation (= joining together) of booksellers and distributors.

  • 発音記号[kənsɑ'lədèit | -sɔ'l-]

1 〈権力・地位などを〉固める, 強固にする, 強化する;〈人望を〉高める
consolidate one's leadership
2III[名]([副])]〈会社・土地などを〉合併する, 統合整理する;…をまとめて(…に)する((into ...));〈借金などを〉まとめて整理する
consolidate one's profits [debts]
1 固まる, 強固になる.
[ラテン語. con-共に+solidus固定した+-ATE1=合わせて固定する]

  1. Any of the long, slender, often glossy feathers on the neck of a bird, especially a male domestic fowl.
  2. hackles The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog.
    1. A tuft of cock feathers trimming an artificial fishing fly.
    2. A hackle fly.
tr.v., -led, -ling, -les.
To trim (an artificial fishing fly) with a hackle.

get (one's) hackles up
  1. To be extremely insulted or irritated.
[Middle English hakell, cloak, skin, plumage, possibly from Old English hacele, cloak, mantle.]
━━ n. すきぐし; (鶏・犬などの)首の回りの毛.
get …'s hackles up / make …'s hackles rise 人をいきり立たせる.
with one's hackles up [rising] いきり立って; 戦おうと身構えて.
━━ vt. (麻・亜麻を)すきぐしですく.
