2019年9月21日 星期六

surgical residents hone skills, ‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy

What Elizabeth Warren Lost When She Beat the Banks

Ms. Warren saw her plan to rein in big banks become a reality, but lost her chance at her dream job. The episode honed her approach to politics.

‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy Possible for G.M.
The Treasury Department is said to be directing G.M. to prepare for a bankruptcy filing by June 1, if necessary.

Surgeons Hone Skills on Nintendo Wii
Playing certain video games on the Nintendo Wii could help surgical residents hone their fine motor skills.

resident (MEDICAL)
noun [C]
US 〔米〕 専門医学実習生.
a doctor who is still training, and who works in a hospital:
She's a first-year resident in oncology at
Boston General Hospital.
See also houseman.

verb [T] ━━ n., vt. 砥石(といし)(でとぐ).
1 to sharpen an object:
The bone had been honed to a point.

2 to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose:
His physique was honed to perfection.
Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.
noun [U]
the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part:
The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart.
He made a good recovery after surgery to remove a brain tumour.

1 used for medical operations:
surgical supplies/instruments/gloves, etc.

2 involved in performing medical operations:
surgical procedures/techniques/intervention
surgical staff

3 (of clothing) worn in order to treat a particular medical condition:
a surgical shoe/collar/corset

noun [C]
a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations

surgical spirit UK noun [U] (US rubbing alcohol)
a liquid for cleaning medical equipment or a person's skin so that it is free from bacteria

surgical strike noun [C]
a type of military attack which is made in an exact way on a particular place:
A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.


━━ a. 外科(医)の; 外科用の; 手術上の; 特定治療用の; 【軍】(作戦行為などが)正確ですばやい.
sur・gi・cal・ly ━━ ad.
surgical spirit 外科消毒用アルコール.
surgical strike 電撃的局地爆撃.


--> ━━ a., n. 定住[居住]する; 住込みの (a ~nt tutor 住み込み家庭教師); 固有[内在]の (inherent) ((in)); 居住[駐在]者 (foreign ~nts 在留外国人); 〔英〕 (ホテルなどの)宿泊客; 【英史】(R-) 駐在官, 弁務官; 〔米〕 専門医学実習生.
resident buyer 【商業】在住仲買人[業者] ((中央の卸売り市場地区に存在し,地方遠隔地の顧客等のために仲買を行う業者)).
resident commands 【コンピュータ】レジデント・コマンド.
resident font 【コンピュータ】内蔵フォント.
resident minister 弁理公使.
resident program 【コンピュータ】レジデント・プログラム.
resident's association (共同住宅の)自治会.
