2018年9月19日 星期三

passing thought, knuckle-draggingly

passing thought

passing motorist stopped to help.
2 → passing days/weeks/years etc
3 a passing thought or feeling is short and not very serious He had only ever shown a passinginterest in sport.► see thesaurus at short4 a passing remark is one that you make while you are talking about something else He made only a passing reference ...


From the habit of some primates of walking with the forelimbs dragging along the ground. Adjective[edit]. knuckle-dragging ...

Urban Dictionary: knuckle dragging

when gangstas or male occupants of a car place their arms out of the windows while checking out bitches or marking turf. their arms extend out of the window ...

Los Angels Review of Books (LARB)

"Ahead of the curve on most of the major issues of the day, Mailer eloquently and vociferously opposed the Vietnam War before most people had given it a passing thought; yet when it came to gender issues, he was knuckle-draggingly backward, leaving behind a trail of obtuse pronouncements that appropriately weigh on his legacy."


Confessions of a Left-Conservative: Norman Mailer in the Library of America - Los Angeles Review of Books
An essential writer in his quintessential decade.
