2018年9月24日 星期一

small fry. "Meet" and "meet with"

Peter Sokolowski, Editor at Large

Peter Sokolowski, Editor at Large
"Meet" and "meet with"
Thursday August 13th 2009
"Meet" and "meet with"
Meet means both to encounter someone or something for the first time and to come together in order to talk. Meet with only means the latter when referring to people.

Here are clear examples of meet used alone:

He met his wife at work.
Have we met? You look familiar.
Pleased to meet you.


But in the following cases, meet with is preferred even though meet alone would be possible:

He's coming to Chicago to meet with investors next month.
We are meeting with the architect today to discuss the plans.
Can you meet with us later today?


Meet with can also simply mean encounter:

The volunteers met with prejudice.
Our travel group met with difficulty at the border crossing.
The quartet met with a warm reception from the audience.

• 《小魚苗》( Small Fry ):麗莎·布倫南-喬布斯(Lisa Brennan-Jobs)已經寫好了一本關於其父史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的回憶錄 。細節佐證了喬布斯的惡劣行徑,但這並非她的初衷。

Urban Dictionary: small fry


a disrespectfull term used to describe any smaller tag along trying to act older or grown up because they want to fit in and gain undeserved respect. its opposite ...
