2018年7月26日 星期四

unsportsmanlike, Cash Flow Problems, delayed dues payments

UN Chief Warns That Cash Flow Problems Will Force Expense Cuts ...

14 時間前 - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned member states that the organization is facing “troubling” funding issues as a result of delayed dues payments that will force reductions in non-staff costs.


国連「かつてない現金不足」 分担金81カ国が未払い

The former cricket star wins an election amid widespread allegations of cheating

かつてないの言い換えや別の言い方。・意義素類語前例や先例や類似するものがない例のない現在まである意味において勝るものがない前代未聞の ・ 史上最高の ・ 未曾有の ・ 空前の.unprecedented; never seen before

sportsmanlike は何か: behaving in a way that is fair and shows respect towards the other players when playing sport.
