...On a windswept hillside midway between Wakefield, Huddersfield and Barnsley, Britain’s first and finest sculpture park is staging a spectacular birthday party. It’s forty years since Yorkshire Sculpture Park was founded, by a pioneering art teacher called Peter Murray. It’s since become one of the most influential artistic ventures in the country..
.“Ever since I was a student, I was very interested in the idea of making art accessible,” says Murray, over coffee in YSP’s sleek café. “I liked the idea of putting the arts in alternative spaces and places.”...
Before you make a beeline for the bathroom.
Gunboat Diplomacy Trap: How Ecuador Used Assange to School the Brits
U.S. and British diplomats should read up on Latin American history before they try to strong-arm regional governments and their embassies.
By R. P. HARRIS. Illustrated by TAEEUN YOO.
Reviewed by SARA GRUEN
In the bustling Thailand of R. P. Harris's novel, a special bond is formed.
In Tokyo's
bustling Shibuya district, a woman makes a beeline for the Michael Jackson display on the second floor of the HMV music store. Crying under her green knit cap, she reaches for "Visionary," a black box of video singles from the King of Pop and a few of the Michael Jackson boxed figurines on display.
Human rights group Amnesty International urged the theatre to "read up" on the reality of North Korea before going there. "No tragic play could come close to the misery that the 100,000 people trapped in the country’s prison camps endure -- where torture, rape, starvation and execution are everyday occurrences," Amnesty said in a statement.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Das Kinderspiel. KV 598, 1791
A dramatic piece performed by children.
Late 19th century; earliest use found in Dundee Courier & Argus. From German Kinderspiel from Kinder-, combining form of Kind child + Spiel play, game.
Blue-sky thinking is the activity of trying to find completely new ideas.
read up on:動詞片語,指仔細研讀、研究某事,如Read up on the places you plan to visit before you travel.(旅遊前應先仔細研究你想要造訪的地點。)
((米略式))[形]腕ずくの, 高圧的な.
━━[動](他)…に暴力をふるう;…から強奪する;〈人に〉(…するよう)強制する((into ...)).
A direct, straight course.
To move
swiftly in a direct, straight course.
[From the belief that a bee returns to its hive in a straight course.]