SoilSaver: A Sense of Humus: Your Guide to Composting with the Classic Composter
China Embraces Old-School Business Guru
| Companies Featured in This Article: Google Peter Drucker is making a posthumous comeback. It isn't happening in the U.S., where the Austrian-born management scholar spent much of his career until his death in 2005, at age 95. While most of Mr. Drucker's 39 books remain in print, they aren't fixtures on American best-seller lists, as they were a generation ago. In China, however, Mr. Drucker is the man of the moment. In the past few years, devotees have created 14 Drucker academies, in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and other Chinese cities. Their curriculum draws extensively on Mr. Drucker's writings, so thousands of students can quickly grasp the ...
Highlights from the 11th Annual Mark Twain Prize ceremony, where legendary comic George Carlin became the first person to be honored posthumously.
Honor of a Lifetime, Arriving Too Late
The rule against posthumous Nobel Prizes has been violated several times - most recently when the prize in medicine was given to the widow of a Rockefeller University scientist.
- 発音記号[hjúːməs | hjúː-]
adjective FORMAL
happening after a person's death:
a posthumous award
━━ a. 父の死後に生れた; 死後出版の; 死後の.

- Occurring or continuing after one's death: a posthumous award.
- Published after the writer's death: a posthumous book.
- Born after the death of the father: a posthumous child.
[Middle English posthumus, from Late Latin, alteration (perhaps influenced by Latin humus, earth and or humāre, to bury) of postumus, superlative of posterus, coming after; see posterior.]
posthumously post'hu·mous·ly adv.posthumousness post'hu·mous·ness n.
WORD HISTORY The word posthumous is associated with death, both in meaning and in form. Our word goes back to the Latin word postumus, meaning "last born, born after the death of one's father, born after the making of a will," and "last, final." Postumus was largely used with respect to events occurring after death but not exclusively so, since the word was simply one of the superlative forms of the adverb post, "subsequently, afterward." Because of its use in connection with death, however, later Latin writers decided that the last part of the word must have to do with humus, "earth," or humāre, "to bury," and began spelling the word posthumus. This form of the Latin word was borrowed into English, being first recorded in a work composed before 1464. Perhaps the most telling use of the word appears in the poet Robert Southey's comment on the rewards of an author: "It was well we should be contented with posthumous fame, but impossible to be so with posthumous bread and cheese."
Posthumous :中共領導人的身後事
趙紫陽的子女在香港出版商鮑樸散發的一份聲明中說:“經過多年拖延之後,趙家子女終於能夠讓他們早已去世的父母入土為安 。”鮑樸是趙紫陽秘書鮑彤之子,曾在趙紫陽去世後 (posthumous)出版了他的回憶錄。
根據韋氏詞典, posthumous意為“死後的、身後的”,常用來形容父親去世後出生的,如posthumous child(遺腹子);或作者去世後發表的,如posthumous work(死後發表的作品) 。這個詞源於拉丁文中的“posthumus”,是意為“父親去世後出生”的拉丁文詞彙postumus的變體。 Posthumous的詞首post意為“在……之後”,詞尾humus在拉丁語中的意思是“污垢”、“泥土”。

adverb FORMAL
His last novel was published posthumously.
一則是林語堂先生的英文著作(1939) Moment in Peking, The John Day Book Company (京華煙雲非林先生自選的),它的日譯本,查Lin Yutang 的日本語版可得3日本版本:
『北京の日』 鶴田知也訳 今日の問題社 1940
『北京好日 第1-3部』 小田岳夫,庄野満雄、中村雅男、松本正雄訳 四季書房 1940
『北京歴日』 藤原邦夫訳編 明窓社 1940
『北京好日』 佐藤亮一訳 河出書房全6巻、1950-52、芙蓉書房出版全2巻 1996
The Moment of Cubism By John Berger (1969) 討論立體主義6年的特定時刻。
of the moment
the person or thing that is the most important and successful at a particular time:
Jack was man of the moment during the crisis.