2014年2月14日 星期五

front, bellhop, figure out, frost fairs, permafrost, clueless, extra bold, keep a bold front, front and center

For decades, tipped workers received roughly 50% of the federal minimum wage. But in 1996, Congress abandoned the 50% rule, and raised the minimum wage without increasing compensation for tipped workers. Nearly 20 years later, the minimum wage has risen to $7.25, while the tipped wage has remained frozen at $2.13.

 "In the post-PC world, being front and center with the consumer" is paramount, he said.

Experts say there are abundant deposits of gas hydrates in the seabed and in some Arctic regions. Japan, together with Canada, has already succeeded in extracting gas from methane hydrate trapped in permafrost soil. U.S. researchers are carrying out similar test projects on the North Slope of Alaska.

River Thames frost fairs were held on the Tideway of the River Thames at London between the 15th and 19th centuries when the river froze over. During that time the British winter was more severe than now, and the river was wider and slower.
During the Great Frost of 1683–84, the worst frost recorded in England,[1][2][3] the Thames was completely frozen for two months, the ice 11 inches (28 cm) thick at London. Solid ice was reported extending for miles off the coasts of the southern North Sea (England, France and the Low Countries), causing severe problems for shipping and preventing the use of many harbours.[4] Near Manchester, the ground was frozen to 27 inches; in Somerset, to more than 4 feet.

太陽活動變少 英國罕見嚴冬可能再度出現
【4/15 17:35】

〔中央社〕科學家表示,若河道一凍結就會持續長達數個月,英國的河川將可能再度成為「冰凍博覽會」(frost fair)會場。

倫敦「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,儘管部分學說聲稱全球暖化正導致大西洋冰河溶化和溫度上升,但專家警告,英國可能再次面臨17世紀末以來罕見的寒冬。

1500、1600年代「小冰河時期」(Little Ice Age)的冬天相當寒冷,倫敦泰晤士河(Thames)往往一凍結就是3個月。




這項發布於英國物理學會(Institute ofPhysics)期刊「環境研究快報」(EnvironmentalResearch Letters)的理論,將能協助解釋為何英國才剛瑟瑟發抖地度過31年來最寒冷的冬天。



瑞丁大學(Reading University)學者說:「這次冬天是英國160年來排名第14冷的超級嚴冬,但是全球平均溫度卻是同期第15高。我們發現這種異常在太陽活動不頻繁時較常出現。」

這項報告的主要作者洛克伍德(Mike Lockwood)教授表示,這種趨勢不代表冬天一定會變得更冷,但可能性將較之前提高。(譯者:中央社戴雅真)


Google's Six-Front War
Washington Post
While the tech world is buzzing about the launch and implications of Google's new social network, Google+, it's worth noting that Google isn't just in a war with Facebook, it's at war with multiple companies across multiple industries. ...

How Now-Shaky Case Once Seemed So Solid
One expert said the case against the former head of the I.M.F. exposed the “punish first, figure out what happened later” state of American justice.

Young People Clueless About Babies
Is the umbilical cord a musical note? 20 percent of Britain's youth says "yes."

Lacking understanding or knowledge.

When we set out to create Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew, we wanted an outstanding cup of coffee that we could enjoy anywhere, at any moment.
That’s even more true with new Starbucks VIA® Decaf Italian Roast, because now “anytime” includes those occasions that call for the rich, bold taste of coffee – but not the caffeine. An after-dinner dessert? A late, late study break? A nightcap on the town? You’ll find all of these situations (and a thousand more) are perfect for our high-quality, 100% arabica, naturally decaffeinated instant coffee.

coffee:extra bold roasted

A typeface may come in fonts of many weights, from ultra-light to extra-bold or
black; four to six weights are not unusual, and a few typefaces have as many ...

“I’m reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure, and it’s an effort, and is it worth the effort?” he said. “I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. It’s become my habit. I just carry on.”

(frŭnt) pronunciation
  1. The forward part or surface, as of a building.
  2. The area, location, or position directly before or ahead.
  3. A position of leadership or superiority.
  4. The forehead or face, especially of a bird or other animal.
    1. Demeanor or bearing, especially in the presence of danger or difficulty.
    2. An outward, often feigned, appearance or manner: They put up a good front.
    1. Land bordering a lake, river, or street.
    2. A promenade along the water at a resort.
  5. A detachable part of a man's dress shirt covering the chest; a dickey.
    1. The most forward line of a combat force.
    2. The area of contact between opposing combat forces; a battlefront.
  6. Meteorology. The interface between air masses of different temperatures or densities.
  7. A field of activity: the economic front.
    1. A group or movement uniting various individuals or organizations for the achievement of a common purpose; a coalition.
    2. A nominal leader lacking in real authority; a figurehead.
    3. An apparently respectable person, group, or business used as a cover for secret or illegal activities.
  8. Archaic.
    1. The first part; the beginning.
    2. The face; the countenance.
  1. Of, relating to, aimed at, or located in the front: the front lines; the front row; front property on Lake Tahoe.
  2. Linguistics. Designating vowels produced at or toward the front of the oral cavity, such as the vowels of green and get.

v., front·ed, front·ing, fronts. v.tr.
  1. To look out on; face: a house that fronts the ocean.
  2. To meet in opposition; confront.
  3. To provide a front for.
  4. To serve as a front for.
  5. Music. To lead (a group of musicians): "Goodman . . . became the first major white bandleader to front an integrated group" (Bill Barol).
  6. Informal. To provide before payment: "In . . . personal liability suits, a lawyer is fronting both time and money" (Richard Faille).
  7. Linguistics. To move (a word or phrase) to the beginning of a clause or sentence, typically for emphasis or contrast.
  8. Linguistics. To cause (a vowel) to be pronounced farther toward the front of the oral cavity.
  1. To have a front; face onto something else: Her property fronts on the highway.
  2. To provide an apparently respectable cover for secret or illegal activities: fronting for organized crime.
Used by a desk clerk in a hotel to summon a bellhop.

front and center
  1. In the most prominent position.

Definition of front and center


  • prominently; at the forefront:standing front and center here today are our bravest heroes


prominent; of the greatest importance:why is this matter suddenly front and center? my front-and-center concerns
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin frōns, front-, forehead, front.]


1 ((通例the 〜))(物・場所の)最前部, 最前列(⇔rear);(物の)表面, 表;(体の)前面(⇔back);前方
a dress that fastens at [in] the front
on the front of an envelope
lie on one's front
sit in [at] the front of the class
教室の最前列に座る(▼stand in front of the classは「(先生が)生徒の前に立つ」の意)
walk in the front of the parade
パレードの先頭に立って歩く(▼walk in front of ...は「パレードの前を横切る」)
read a newspaper from front to back
look to the front
2 ((通例the 〜))
(1) (建物などの)正面, 表, 前部
the front of the church
The elevator was at the front of the building.
(2) ((通例形容詞を伴って))(建物などの)側, 面
the east front of the palace
(1) (軍隊の)最前列, 先頭;戦線;((通例the 〜))前線, 戦地
a son at the front
go [be sent] to the front
戦地におもむく, 出征する.
(2) 活動分野, 方面
on all fronts
the educational front
recent moves on the labor front
4 (道路・川などに面した)土地;((通例the 〜))(海岸の)遊歩道
a river [a lake] front
5 ((略式))(団体の)引き立て役の知名人, 看板役, お飾り;(人目を欺く)隠れみの((for ...))
The store was a front for a organized crime.
6 [U]((略式))見せかけ, 体裁;外見(上の態度)
put on [up] a (good) front
見えを張る, 体裁をつくろう
put on [show] a bold front
keep up a front
7 [U]((まれ))ごう慢;厚かましさ;うぬぼれ.
8 ((詩))額;顔
front to front
面と向かって(▼face to faceがふつう).
9 (政治的・社会的な)協力, 提携;戦線, 活動, 運動
the people's front
form [show, present] a united front against ...
10 ワイシャツの胸当て;(女性の額ぎわの)付け前髪.
11 《気象》前線
a cold [a warm] front
12 観覧席;(劇場の)事務所;舞台前面.
13 《音声学》前舌面.
at the front
〈問題などが〉表面化して, 表立って.
change front
(1) 《軍事》攻撃方向を変える, 戦線を方向転換する.
(2) (議論の)ほこ先を転じる.
come [be] to the front
前面に現れてくる, 顕著になる.
front of ...
((俗))=in FRONT of.
get in front of oneself
in front
前(方)に[の];(競争で)先立って((in ...))
the enemy in front
Go in front.
in front of ...
(1) 〈人・物の〉前方に[へ, を];〈建物の〉入り口の外で, 表で;〈人の〉面前で[に]
spend all day sitting in front of the computer
Let's meet in front of the theater.
(2) ((時間的))〈人の〉前途に
I have rather a busy afternoon in front of me.
on the home [domestic] front
out front
(1) ((英))外で, 表で;家の前に.
(2) 競争相手にまさって, 先頭を切って.
(3) 観客の中に[で], 観覧席に[で].
up front
(1) 前もって;前金で.
(2) 最初から;表立って, 公然と.
(3) 前に.
(4) 《スポーツ》フォワード[センター]の位置で. ⇒UP-FRONT
1 (最)前部の, 表面[前面, 正面]の;重要な
a front window
take a front seat
be on the front page
2 《音声学》〈母音が〉前舌の( 〔i〕 〔e〕 〔æ〕 など).
3 ((略式))表向きの, 隠れみのの
a front company
━━[副]前部[前面, 正面, 前方]へ[で];(車の)前の座席に
front and rear
keep one's eyes front
1 〈建物などが〉…に面する, 向く
The school fronts a lake.
2 ((通例受身))…の正面[前面]に(…を)つける[張る]((with, by ...))
front a building with marble
3 〈グループの〉代表を務める((up));〈テレビ番組の〉総司会を務める.
4 …の正面[前面]となる
a lawn fronting the house
5 ((俗))…に挑戦的な態度をとる, 立ち向かう, …と対決姿勢をとる(confront).
6 ((英古))…に直面する;…に敢然と立ち向かう(confront)
front death
front dangers
7 《音声学》…を前舌面で発音する.
1 〈建物などが〉(…に)面する((on, onto, toward ...))
Our house fronts on the park [toward the east].
2 ((略式))(…の)隠れみのの役を果たす((for ...)).
3 ((俗))(人に)うそをつく, 約束を破る(cop out).
1 (軍隊などで)前へ
Eyes front !
2 ((ホテルのボーイに対するフロントからの呼びかけ))フロントへ. ▼日本語の「フロント」はfront [reception] desk.
front and center


per • ma • frost
pə'ːrməfrɔ`ːst | -frɔ`st


Syllabification: bell·hop
Pronunciation: /ˈbelˌhäp


North American an attendant in a hotel who performs services such as carrying guests' luggage.[名]((米・カナダ))ベルボーイ:特にホテルで荷物運びなどをするボーイ.
