2014年2月14日 星期五

stand up to,up front, stand by, stripe, straight-up, absolute/complete integrity, in its entirety

"Kristen appears to have been lulled into imagining it was the right moment to reveal her sideline as a poet, and opts to read one self-penned verse in its entirety. Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats ... "

A study at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine concluded that the drug, developed to treat high blood pressure, could also help to prevent strokes and angina.
But the university said Thursday incomplete clinical data had been used to support this finding and that had patients' records been used in their entirety, the study would have had a different conclusion.


"It should not matter what political stripe you're from. The fact of the matter is the I.R.S. has to operate with absolute integrity."
PRESIDENT OBAMA, at a news conference on Wednesday addressing revelations that the Internal Revenue Service had focused special scrutiny on conservative groups.

It isn't just markets of all stripes that now trade on the short-term whims of global central banks and governments. Even ratings companies, a key part of the world's financial plumbing, are being forced to bow to reality.

Their assessments of a government's credit-worthiness are designed to reflect a straight-up view of how its debt obligations hold up against future outlays and tax revenues. And yet over this past week, Moody's Investors Service implicitly acknowledged that this is no longer the whole story.

Moody's had said it would likely finish a review of Spain's debt rating, which it has on watch for a downgrade to "junk," by the end of September. But Tuesday, it said it expects to complete the review by the end of October, and it is "continuing to assess a number of factors, including…the nature and size of support mechanisms."

Translation: It is impossible to take a view on Spain's fiscal health without knowing about any future bailout from euro-zone partners and bond buying from the European Central Bank. So much for fundamentals.

Japan defense chief stands by plan to keep Marine air operations on Okinawa
Stars and Stripes
By Chiyomi Sumida Approximately 150 protesters demonstrate outside the Prefectural Government Office in Naha, Okinawa on Saturday, moments before Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa met with Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima to seek the

Q&A: Paying Extra for Phone Freedom
Skipping the carrier subsidy and paying full price for an unlocked smartphone may cost more up front, but frees up those who want to buy inexpensive local service plans when traveling internationally.


Google stands up to China's censors

stand up to

Confront fearlessly, oppose boldly, as in You've got to stand up to the boss if you want him to respect you. [Early 1600s]

up front

up front
(1) 前もって;前金で.
(2) 最初から;表立って, 公然と.
(3) 前に.
(4) 《スポーツ》フォワード[センター]の位置で. ⇒UP-FRONT

stand by
1. Be ready or available to act, as in I'm almost ready for you to carve the turkey, so please stand by. [Mid-1200s]
2. Wait for something to resume, as in We are all standing by until the power is restored. Also see on standby.
3. Be present but remain uninvolved, refrain from acting, as in I can't stand by and see these kids shoplifting. [Late 1300s]
4. Remain loyal, as in She's my friend and I'll stand by her, no matter what. [Early 1500s] Also see stick by.
5. Adhere to, abide by, as in I'm going to stand by what I said yesterday. [Late 1300s]


  • 発音記号[stráip]

1(しま), 筋, 縞のある織物, 縞地
a blue shirt with white stripes
2 ((〜s))(ストライプの数で階級などを示す)記章
getearnone's stripes
lose one's stripes
3 ((米))(人・物などの)型, 種類
artists of every stripe
4 ((〜s))((主に米))横縞のある囚人服
wear the stripes
5 ((〜s))((単数扱い))((英略式))トラ.

straight up[straight up]

    (1) ((英話))(質問や回答で)本当に(そうです).
    (2) ((米))(酒に)氷を入れないで(⇔on the rocks).


    Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtɛgrɪti/

    Definition of integrity


    [mass noun]
    • 1the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles:a gentleman of complete integrity
    • 2the state of being whole and undivided:upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty
    • the condition of being unified or sound in construction:the structural integrity of the novel
    • internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data: [as modifier]:integrity checking


    late Middle English (in integrity (sense 2)): from French intégrité or Latin integritas, from integer 'intact' (see integer). Compare with entirety, integral, and integrate


    Syllabification: (en·tire·ty)
    Translate entirety | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


    • the whole of something:she would have to stay in her room over the entirety of the weekend


    in its entirety

    as a whole; completely:the poem is too long to quote in its entirety here
