A lawsuit on behalf of a group of homeless and mentally ill people
claims they were bused out of Nevada and left in San Francisco with
little or no medication.
Syllabification: (bus)
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noun (plural buses or busses)
1a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, especially one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare: [as modifier]:a bus service
2 Computing
a distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a
computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in
verb (buses, bused, busing or busses, bussed, bussing)
1 [with object] transport in a communal road vehicle:managerial staff was bused in and out of the factory
North American transport (a child of one race) to a school where another race is predominant, in an attempt to promote racial integration.
2 [with object] North American remove (dirty tableware) from a table in a restaurant or cafeteria:I’d never bused so many dishes in one night
remove dirty tableware from (a table):Chad buses tables on weekends