2013年9月22日 星期日

mover, the movers and shakers, shaker, celibacy

Movers and Shapers


A roundup of the dancers, choreographers and designers to watch for this season.

 Luther Table Talk:" Such were the fruits of forced celibacy?"

(shā'kər) pronunciation
    1. One that shakes: a shaker of long-held beliefs and traditions.
    2. One that impels, encourages, or supervises action.
    1. A container used for shaking: salt and pepper shakers.
    2. A container used to mix or blend by shaking: a cocktail shaker.
  1. Shaker A member of a Christian sect originating in England in 1747, practicing communal living and observing celibacy.
adj. also Shaker
Relating to or constituting a style produced by Shakers that is distinctively simple, unornamented, functional, and finely crafted: Shaker furniture.

1 (調味料などの)振出し器;(カクテル用の)シェーカー;粉振り器;(さいころを振る)つぼ;ゆさぶる[振る]道具.
2 ((S-))
(1) シェーカー教徒(▼体を振って踊ることより. ⇒QUAKER).
(2) シェーカー様式:シェーカー教徒の民芸調家具の様式
Shaker pattern

('vər) pronunciation
  1. One that moves: a fast mover in corporate circles.
  2. One that transports household or office goods from one location to another as an occupation. Often used in the plural.

1 ((主に米))引っ越し業者.
2 動く物
a slow mover
3 主動[主謀, 主唱]者;発議者.
4 (特に19世紀の米国西部への)移住者.
5 よく売れる物, 売れ筋.
the movers and shakers
有力者, 大立者, オピニオンリーダー.
mover and shakers
n., pl., movers and shakers.
One who wields power and influence in a sphere of activity: "the importance of hanging out with the movers and shakers of the art world" (Richard Colvin).


  • 発音記号[séləbəsi]
1 独身(生活).
2 (聖職者の)独身(主義);禁欲(生活), 貞潔, 肉体的純潔.

Musical Shaker Instrument Recalled by Woodstock Percussion Due to Laceration and Choking Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of product: Gripper Shaker musical instrument
Units: About 9,400 in the U.S. and 700 in Canada
Importer: Woodstock Percussion Inc., of Shokan, N.Y.
Hazard: The handle can detach from the shaker, exposing a rough edge and posing a laceration hazard. The detached handle also exposes small steel pellets and a plastic plug which pose choking hazards.
Incidents/Injuries: The company received one report from a consumer that the handles on two Gripper Shakers detached. No injuries have been reported.
Description: The shakers are plastic musical instruments, 5.5 inches long, with rounded, egg-shaped tops containing steel pellets and open circular handles. They come in blue and green and are sold separately. The marking “B4” is printed on the rounded top of each shaker.
Sold at: Mail-order catalogs, websites and retail stores nationwide between August 2010 and March 2011 for about $5.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should stop using the product immediately and contact Woodstock Percussion Inc. to receive a $7 refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Woodstock Percussion, Inc. toll free at (866) 543-2848 anytime, via email at safety@chimes.com, or visit the website at www.woodstockpercussion.com
Note: Health Canada's press release is available at http://cpsr-rspc.hc-sc.gc.ca/PR-RP/recall-retrait-eng.jsp?re_id=1343

Picture of recalled shaker; the handles can detach from the shaker, posing laceration and choking hazards by exposing rough edges and allowing access to small steel pellets and a plastic plug.
The handles can detach from the shaker, posing laceration and choking hazards by
exposing rough edges and allowing access to small steel pellets and a plastic plug.
