2012年2月29日 星期三

fuzzy, breakout hit/idea ,

Zhu Zhu Mania: Hamster Toys Are Ruling Christmas

Electronic toy hamsters called Zhu Zhu Pets are the breakout hit of the holiday season. Why the fuzzy creatures will clean up at the cash register

Reid Hoffman's Search for Breakout Ideas
It sometimes feels as though LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has been involved in every major tech start-up in the last decade, either as an entrepreneur, investor or adviser.

A mass or coating of fine, light fibers, hairs, or particles; down: the fuzz on a peach.

v., fuzzed, fuzz·ing, fuzz·es. v.tr.
  1. To cover with fine, light fibers, hairs, or particles.
  2. To make blurred or indistinct: fuzzing the difference between the two candidates; worked quickly to fuzz up the details of the scandal.
To become blurred or obscure.

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Covered with fuzz.
  2. Of or resembling fuzz.
  3. Not clear; indistinct: a fuzzy recollection of past events.
  4. Not coherent; confused: a fuzzy plan of action.
[Perhaps from Low German fussig, spongy.]
fuzzily fuzz'i·ly adv.
fuzziness fuzz'i·ness n.

ham·ster (hăm'stər) pronunciation
A small Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae, especially Mesocricetus auratus, having large cheek pouches and a short tail and often kept as a pet or used in laboratory research.

[German, from Middle High German hamastra, perhaps from Old High German hamustro, of Slavic origin.]

1 脱出, 脱獄, 脱走, 逃亡;(包囲網の)強行突破.
2 (伝染病・火災・戦争などの)発生;吹き出物.
3 裁ち切り図版(bleed).
In slang:
In other uses:
