2014年8月24日 星期日

原來如此 tradesman, lift bio : shoplift, shopkeeper,

1977年在英國第一次注意到"shoplift may be prosecuted" 的說法

當然知道 shoplift 意 To steal (articles or an article) from a store that is open for business.
不過沒深究 lift 的一般說法 為"偷"

Vatican Lifts Bios From Wikipedia

The Holy See pulled from Wikipedia for bios of 22 newly elected Cardinals.


  • Informal. To steal; pilfer: A thief lifted my wallet.
  • Informal. To copy from something already published; plagiarize: lifted whole paragraphs from the encyclopedia.
  • BIO biography 簡寫

    Meaning #1: a merchant who owns or manages a shop
    Synonyms: tradesman, storekeeper, market keeper


    Line breaks: trades|man
    Pronunciation: /ˈtreɪdzmən 

    NOUN (plural tradesmen)

    A person engaged in trading or a trade, typically on a relatively small scale.

    tradesman or tradesperson is a skilled manual worker in a particular trade or craft not in the liberal arts, "learned professions" or agriculture.[1] Economically and socially, a tradesman's status is considered between a laborer and a professional, with a high degree of both practical and theoretical knowledge of his or her trade. In cultures where professional careers are highly prized, there can be a shortage of skilled manual workers, leading to lucrative niche markets in the trades.

    1. St Helens Star ‎- 22 hours ago
      TRADESMAN across the area are called to enter this year's Britain's Top Tradesman competition.
