2011年8月27日 星期六

reactive, reactivity, mauvaise honte




(rē-ăk'tĭv) pronunciation
  1. Tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus.
  2. Characterized by reaction.
  3. Chemistry & Physics. Tending to participate readily in reactions.
    1 反作用を示す, 反発する;反動[復古]的な.
    2 〈化学物質が〉よく反応する.
    3 《電気》リアクタンス(reactance)の.
reactively re·ac'tive·ly adv.
reactiveness re·ac'tive·ness or re'ac·tiv'i·ty n.

Reactivity may refer to:
  • Reactivity (chemistry), the rate at which a chemical substance tends to undergo a chemical reaction
  • Reactive programming, a property of an execution model whereby changes are automatically propagated through a dataflow network
  • Reactivity (psychology), a phenomenon which occurs when subjects alter their performance due to their awareness of being observed
  • Nuclear chain reaction, a basic parameter describing kinetics and dynamics of nuclear reactors

See also

Mauvaise honte - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

Jacques Barzun《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》一段:非常謝謝rl 和小讀者

2005/6/13 我在網路simon university 受教於rl 和 小讀者,真是非常謝謝…….

首先貼文請教Jacques Barzun《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》一段我以為是重點。

(雅克.巴尊(Jacques Barzun)《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》 (Classic, Romantic, and Modern).. 侯蓓譯.,江蘇教育出版社,2005,p.107)

re: 問:能還原「低劣的羞愧」乎?』

rl 找來一整段,只欠東風:

Barzun had this to say: The first striking trait of the modern ego is self-consciousness. I say self-consciousness rather than self-awareness, because I believe that in spit of much heart-searching, the modern ego is more concerned with the way it appears in others' eyes than with learning fully about itself and admitting its troubles fearlessly. The romantics were introspective, too, but they did not fear ridicule as we do, which is why we accuse them of indecently exposing their innermost souls. They were often wrong about the value of what they had to say, but they were unafraid of being wrong, of being themselves, and of being duped. The modern ego is desperately afraid of all three. 』 -----

小讀者留言:『It suffers from what the French call mauvaise honte. 』

這本書小讀者有, 但一時沒空找.
google之外, 還有其他搜尋方法, 比方...別忘了Amazon的全文檢索功能... 』
hc認為將 mauvaise honte 翻譯成「低劣的羞愧」是錯誤的:字面義 ill shame 意思為false shame 或 painful diffidence。這有點像「假裝虛懷若谷(謙虛)」或「壓抑自己得意處」……

除了查辭典,我用google print查 mauvaise honte 真是美不勝收,看來丁丁和rl的專欄都應該應景發專文…. 』
Homepage: http://www.print.google.com/print?q=mauvaise+honte&btnG=Search+Print
