2011年4月6日 星期三

coliseum/colosseum/ colossus

also col·os·se·um (kŏl'ĭ-sē'əm) pronunciation
A large amphitheater for public sports events, entertainment, or assemblies.

[Medieval Latin Colisēum, an amphitheater in Rome, Italy, variant of Latin Colossēum, from neuter of colossēus, gigantic, from colossus, huge statue. See colossus.]

Theatre in London, built in 1904. Its seating capacity (2354) and stage are the largest in London and it was the first theatre to have a revolving stage. It is the home of English National Opera.

(kə-lŏs'əs) pronunciation
n., pl., -los·si (-lŏs'ī'), or -los·sus·es.
  1. A huge statue.
  2. Something likened to a huge statue, as in size or importance: a colossus of bureaucracy.

[Latin, from Greek kolossos.]
