2010年9月18日 星期六

"Trocks", drag ballet corps

2010年9月14日,英國倫敦,紐約全男班芭蕾舞團The Trocks在孔雀劇院登臺,演出《雷蒙達的婚禮》和《垂死天鵝》。 國際線上消息:2010年9月14日,英國倫敦,紐約全男班芭蕾舞團The Trocks在孔雀劇院登臺,演出《雷蒙達的婚禮》和《垂死天鵝》。團員在後臺化粧。 ...

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo is an all-male drag ballet corps which parodies the conventions and clichés of romantic and classical ballet. It was co-founded by Peter Anastos, Natch Taylor and Antony Bassae in the United States in 1974, as a group producing small, late-night shows, in off-off Broadway lofts. Their first show as on September 9, 1974, at a second story loft on 14th street, in the heart of the meat-packing district.[1]

After receiving a favorable critical review in The New Yorker by Arlene Croce, it was discovered by a wider audience. The "Trocks" toured the world, with prolonged engagements in many major cities. In 2008 they performed at the Royal Variety Performance, in front of Prince Charles.[2]

The dancers portray both male and female roles in a humorous style that combines parodies of ballet, posing and physical comedy with "straighter" pieces intended to show off the performers' technical skills. Much of the humor is in seeing male dancers en travesti; performing roles usually reserved to females, wearing tutus and dancing en pointe.

  1. The clothing characteristic of one sex when worn by a member of the opposite sex: an actor in drag.
