2013年10月30日 星期三

in the works, casting, pipe up

In Greek Media, New Voices Pipe Up

Mired in a fiscal crisis, Greeks are skeptical of mainstream news organizations and hungrier for information from nontraditional sources. Above, Apostolis Kaparoudakis.
With last week's news that a movie about Googlefounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page is in the works, CNET News had fun on Friday pitching some casting ideas around.Go to Article from CNET News»

    1. The act or process of making casts or molds.
    2. Something cast in a mold.
  1. The act of throwing a fishing line.

  2. In preparation, under development. For example, The agent said there was a movie deal in the works, or He ass
    Something cast off or out.
  3. The selection of actors or performers for the parts of a presentation.
ured her that a follow-up campaign was in the works. [Second half of 1900s] Also see in the pipeline

pipe up

Translate pipe up | into French | into German | into Italian
say something suddenly: [with direct speech]:‘I’ll go,’ I piped up
