2012年9月14日 星期五

asyndeton, hypotaxis vs parataxis


(uh-SIN-di-ton, -tuhn)

Omission of conjunctions, as in "I came, I saw, I conquered."

From Late Latin, from Greek, from neuter of asyndetos (not linked), from a- + syndetos (bound together), from syndein (to bind together), from syn- + dein (to bind)

Asyndeton is a powerful device to indicate extemporaneous effect, and to add intensity or force to diction. Imagine if it were "I came, I saw, and I conquered." It's easy to see how rhythm is lost.
If you're itching to use all those conjunctions you've saved with the use of asyndeton, try polysyndeton, as in "Uncle Charlie gobbled cookies and bagels and pizza and pasta."

"The unwillingness to waste words shows up in the address's telegraphic quality -- the omission of coupling words, a technique rhetoricians call asyndeton. Triple phrases sound as to a drumbeat, with no 'and' or 'but' to slow their insistency: 'We are engaged... We are met... We have come...'" — The Words That Remade America: Lincoln at Gettysburg; The Atlantic Monthly (Boston); Jun 1992.


  • síndtn | æsínditn〕



  • 〔prtǽksis〕

[名][U]《文法》並列:文・節・句を接続詞なしに並べること;例Step on it, we're late already!

hy·po·tax·is ('pə-tăk'sĭs) pronunciation
n. Grammar
The dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with connectives.

[Greek hupotaxis, subjection, from hupotassein, to arrange under : hupo-, hypo- + tassein, tag-, to arrange.]
hypotactic hy'po·tac'tic (-tăk'tĭk) adj.

par·a·tax·is (păr'ə-tăk'sĭs) pronunciation
The juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions, as It was cold; the snows came.

[Greek, a placing side by side, from paratassein, to arrange side by side : para-, beside; see para-1 + tassein, tag-, to arrange.]
paratactic par'a·tac'tic (-tăk'tĭk) or par'a·tac'ti·cal (-tĭ-kəl) adj.
paratactically par'a·tac'ti·cal·ly adv.

讀Reading Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair' With the Illustrations Intact By VERLYN KLINKENBORG,其實OUP的版本就有全面三種原圖。
「3. Boggley Wollah is situated in a fine, lonely, marshy, jungly district, famous for snipe-shooting.
卜克雷沃拉所在的地區風景很美,可是人跡罕至,濕潤而多樹,大家常到那裏打竹雞,因此出了名。(楊莉藜英漢互譯教程 河南大學出版社)」

hypotaxis vs parataxis
形合 法/連接, 西語多用,例如:
He dictated the letter and she wrote it.

意合 法/連接漢語:指分句或句子不用連接辭而靠意義連帶
He dictated the letter; She wrote it.
「形合」是指詞語或語句之間的連接,主要依仗連接詞或語言形態手段來實現,其實質是指"關聯詞的撐持";「意合」則指詞語或語句之間的連接,主要憑藉助詞、語句意義或語句間邏輯關係來實現,其實質是指"關聯詞的排除"。(張思潔 形合與意合的哲學思辨, hc稍改)
