2009年12月1日 星期二

black screen of death, star power and oratorical skills

電腦軟體業巨擘微軟一日證實,該公司最新版的電腦作業系統「Windows 7」可能會出現「螢幕黑死病」(black screen of death)問題,也就是使用者登入之後,螢幕變成一片漆黑,毫無反應,只能重新開機。 電腦業界盛傳,螢幕黑死病問題根源其實來自微軟本身。 ...

But the prize quickly loomed as a potential political liability — perhaps more burden than glory — for Mr. Obama. Republicans contended that he had won more for his star power and oratorical skills than for his actual achievements, and even some Democrats privately questioned whether he deserved it.

star power and oratorical skills 明星魅力演說技能

Of, relating to, or characteristic of an orator or oratory.
oratorically or'a·tor'i·cal·ly adv.
