2014年11月12日 星期三

nigh, nigh-on, pull (n.), in (adj.), palazzo, futuristic

This Cat That Can Open Doors Reminds Us That We're Never Truly Safe

Regrets. When it comes to our educations, we’ve all had a few. We might wish that we had worked harder and messed around less, or passed that exam or – and this is the one I hear most frequently – not narrowed our options so young, setting ourselves on a specific path from which it can be nigh-on impossible to deviate.

Further proof that an international cat uprising is nigh

We didn’t have time to analyze every presidential State of the Union address. But we did look at three speeches in which technology was key: Obama’s last night, Ronald Reagan’s in 1986 (at the culmination of the Cold War), and Harry S. Truman’s in 1953.
The data we have suggest that technology—particularly the promise of futuristic, as-yet-nonexistent technologies—is taking on a bigger role.

In Italy, any urban building built as a grand residence is a palazzo; these are often no larger than a Victorian townhouse. It was not necessary to be a nobleman to have your house considered a palazzo; the hundreds of palaces in Venice nearly all belonged to the patrician class of the city. In the Middle Ages these also functioned as warehouses and places of business, as well as homes. Each family's palazzo was a hive that contained all the family members, though it might not always show a grand architectural public front. In the 20th century palazzo in Italian came to apply by extension to any large fine apartment building, as so many old palaces were converted to this use.



Palais Lumière would be built in an industrial area. Conservationists fear it could imperil the Venetian lagoon’s ecosystems.
Venice Journal
Futuristic Vision for City Rooted in the Past
The fashion designer Pierre Cardin has a dream of turning a Venice industrial dump into a futuristic palazzo, but conservationists fear the project could imperil the Venetian lagoon’s ecosystems.




在琳琅滿目的電子產品中如何選擇?這裡詳細介紹iPad Mini、Barnes & Noble Nook HD電子閱讀器及Windows Phone 8三款產品。
Overlooking a roof at Haeinsa, a Buddhist temple.

Along the Trail of Korea's Mountain Spirits

On a high-altitude adventure along South Korea's mountainous spine, discovering the ancient pull of the peaks.

- The end is nigh for corruption in Gree
After a series of corruption scandals surrounding the ruling conservatives,
the Greek electorate has voted resoundingly for change in the country.

The DW-WORLD Article


Syllabification: (pa·laz·zo)
Pronunciation: /pəˈlätsō/

noun (plural palazzos or palazzi /-ˈlätsē/)

  • a palatial building, especially in Italy.


Italian, 'palace'

1 ((通例a 〜))引くこと, 引き;[U]引く力, 牽引(けんいん)力;引力
give the rope a pull
2 ((通例a 〜))(液体の)一飲み;(タバコの)一服, 一吸い((at, on, from ...))
take a deep pull at one's beer
take a long pull on the pipe
3 [U]((時にa 〜))((略式))引き, (…への)つて, 手づる, コネ((with ...));((略式))(他人に対する)強み, 利点
He has a lot of pull with the governor.
4 引き手, 取っ手;物を引っ張るための道具[仕掛け].
5 一こぎ, オールを引くこと;ボート遊び.
6 (クリケット・ゴルフ・野球の)プル打ち. ⇒(他)9
7 [U][C]人を引きつける力, 魅力;心を引かれること;宣伝効果
feel a strong pull
These ads have a lot of pull with housewives.
8 ((a 〜))((英古風))苦しい山登り, がんばり;持続的な努力.
9 《印刷》校正刷り.
10 (競馬で故意に負けるため)馬を制すること.
11 肉離れ. ⇒(他)5
on the pull

nigh () pronunciation
adv., nigh·er, nigh·est.
  1. Near in time, place, or relationship: Evening draws nigh.
  2. Nearly; almost: talked for nigh onto two hours.
adj., nigher, nighest.
  1. Being near in time, place, or relationship; close. See synonims at close.
    1. Being on the left side of an animal or vehicle: pulling hard on the nigh rein.
    2. Being the animal or vehicle on the left: the nigh horse.
Not far from; near.
tr. &; intr.v., nighed, nigh·ing, nighs.
To come near to or draw near.
[Middle English neigh, from Old English nēah, nēh.]

Almost:[AS ADVERB]: car weighing nigh on two tons

━━[形] 〔ín〕 ((限定))
1 ((略式))〈品物などが〉流行の, 人気のある
in boots
the in thing
2 ((限定))((略式))〈物・事などが〉仲間うちだけの, 通の;上流の
an in joke
3 中の, 内部の, 中にいる[ある](inner)
Let's find some in seats in the front row.
4 到着する, はいってくる〈列車など〉;受けいれの〈郵便箱など〉
the in train
the in mail
到着郵便(⇔the out mail
the in basketbox, tray
5 〈政党が〉政権を握っている
the in party
(1) 《スポーツ》〈チームが〉攻撃(側)の
the in team
(2) 《ゴルフ》インの(⇔out).
You're in.
