2013年5月31日 星期五

remit, unassailable, unremitting,gantlet, be no picnic, pick-me-up, meth,methamphetamine

A pig farmer works on the outskirts of Shenyang, Liaoning province.
Sheng Li/Reuters
Dealbook | Deal Professor Column

Pork Deal Faces National Security Gantlet

A Chinese meat producer’s $4.7 billion acquisition of Smithfield Foods is subject to a national security review, which is no picnic given American anxiety about China.

 The library is doing its best according to its remit of being a community centre with books. What the library isn't any more is the place of unassailable knowledge I encountered as a kid.

So vast is the bank’s new remit, that no single person can manage it adequately. Mr Carney will need all the help he can get.

The Criminalization of Bad Mothers
Does taking meth while pregnant make Amanda Kimbrough responsible for the death of her premature baby? The testing of a theory called “fetal personhood.”

BEIJING — Fu Lixin, emotionally exhausted from caring for her sick mother, needed a little pick-me-up. A friend offered her a “special cigarette” — one laced with methamphetamine — and Ms. Fu happily inhaled.

The next day, three policemen showed up at her door.
“They asked me to urinate in a cup,” she said. “My friend had been arrested and turned me in. It was a drug test. I failed on the spot.”
Although she said it was her first time smoking meth, Ms. Fu, 41, was promptly sent to one of China’s compulsory drug rehabilitation centers. The minimum stay is two years, and life is an unremitting gantlet of physical abuse and forced labor without any drug treatment, according to former inmates and substance abuse professionals.

be no picnic

informal be difficult or unpleasant:being a freelance was no picnic

ùn • assáilable
[形]((形式))攻撃できない, 難攻不落の, 論争の余地のない, 論破できない.


noun, orig US

Abbreviation of 'methamphetamine' and 'Methedrine' (a proprietary name for methamphetamine), taken as a stimulant drug; a tablet of this. (1967 —) .
J. Wambaugh She's a meth head and an ex-con (1972).


n. Informal
A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.


ùn • remítting
[形]((形式))〈行動・努力などが〉絶え間なく[衰えずに]続く, ゆるがない, ひっきりなしの
unremitting chatter


re • mit
remits (複数形) • remitted (過去形) • remitted (過去分詞) • remitting (現在分詞) • remits (三人称単数現在)
[動] 〔rimít〕 (〜・ted, 〜・ting)((形式))(他)
1 〈金銭・小切手などを〉(場所へ)送る((to ...));[remit A B/remit B to A]〈A(人)にB(金銭・小切手など)を〉(郵便で)送る, 送付する
remit a cheque
remit the balance to him by money order [=remit him the balance by money order
2 〈刑罰・支払いなどを〉免じる, 免除する;〈神が〉〈罰を〉許す.
3 〈苦痛・努力などを〉ゆるめる, 軽減する, 和らげる.
4 〈罰金などを〉返す, 戻す.
5 《法律》〈事件を〉(下級審へ)差し戻す((to ...)).
6 …を(元の状態に)戻す((to, into ...)).
7 …を(…まで)延ばす, 延期する((to, till, until ...))
remit the consideration of a bill tountilthe next session
1 送金する, 小切手を送る.
2 〈風などが〉ゆるむ, 弱まる.
3 〈痛み・熱などが〉(一時的に)静まる, おさまる.
━━[名] 〔rímit, rimít〕
1 《法律》(下級裁判所への)事件記録の移送.
2 [U][C]((通例単数形))((英形式))責任範囲.
[ラテン語remittere (re-後ろへ+mittere送る=送り返す). △MISSILE, OMIT, SUBMIT


Pronunciation: /ˈgɔːntlɪt/

(US also gantlet)
Translate gauntlet | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
Definition of gauntlet


(in phrase run the gauntlet)
  • 1go through an intimidating or dangerous crowd or experience in order to reach a goal:she had to run the gauntlet of male autograph seekers
  • 2 historical undergo the military punishment of receiving blows while running between two rows of men with sticks.


mid 17th century: alteration of gantlope (from Swedish gatlopp, from gata 'lane' + lopp 'course') by association with gauntlet1

priestly, brush off, sacerdotal

For critics, the novels were merely publishing successes or even wasteful diversions from sociological scholarship. For Father Greeley, they were “the most priestly thing I have ever done.”


Pronunciation: /ˈpriːstli/
Definition of priestly


  • relating to or befitting a priest or priests:performing priestly duties





Old English prēostlic (see priest, -ly1)
(sas-uhr-DOHT-l, sak-)

Of or relating to priests: priestly.

Via French from Latin sacerdotalis (priestly), from sacerdos (priest, literally one who offers sacrifices), from sacer (holy, sacred) + dare (to give).

"My student came from a country where professors hold a sacerdotal status and so took my jest as a brushoff." David D Perlmutter; Are You A Good Protege?; Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington, DC); Apr 18, 2008.

An abrupt dismissal or snub.

ismiss or rebuff, as in Roberta brushed off the poor reviews with a shrug, or You can't brush off a boyfriend and expect him to do you a favor. This expression, transferring sweeping off crumbs to a curt dismissal, was first recorded about 1820. However, it became common usage only in the 1930s. Also see give someone the air (brush off).

proconsul, Filipino, Pinoy, demonym

 Taiwanese govt will not vent anger on Pinoys
GMA News
Tags: Taiwan. Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou reiterated that while their government will continue to seek justice for the Taiwanese fisherman shot by Philippine coast guards in disputed waters, it will not vent its anger on Filipinos. According to a ...


William Cameron Forbes: Proconsul in the Philippines

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]由 PW Stanley 著作 - 1966 - 被引用 5 次 - 相關文章
2 "Letter from the Philippine Chamber of Commerce to Hon. Atterson W. Rucker," pamphlet dated Nov. .... tion of the China trade. Forbes appears to have hoped that economic ... nor general, himself a former Harvard football coach, was the first- ... alliance between Forbes' American rivals and the Filipino minority, ...

Pinoy is an informal demonym referring to the Filipino people in the Philippines and overseas Filipinos around the world.[1][2] Filipinos usually refer to themselves as Pinoy or sometimes the feminine Pinay.[1] The word is formed by taking the last four letters of Filipino and adding the diminutive suffix -y in the Tagalog language (the suffix is commonly used in Filipino nicknames: "Ninoy" or "Noynoy" for Benigno, "Totoy" for Augusto, etc.). Pinoy was used for self-identification by the first wave of Filipinos going to the continental United States before World War II and has been used both in a pejorative sense as well as a term of endearment similar to Chicano.[3][4] Both Pinoy and Pinay are still regarded as derogatory by some Filipinos though they are widely used and gaining mainstream usage.[5]
Pinoy was created to differentiate the experiences of those immigrating to the United States but is now a slang term used to refer to all people of Filipino descent.[1] Mainstream usages tend to center on entertainment (Pinoy Big Brother) and music (Pinoy Idol) which has played a significant role in developing national and cultural identity. Pinoy music impacted the socio-political climate of the 1970s and was employed by both Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos and the People Power Revolution that overthrew his regime. It is more positive than "flip."

A demonym /ˈdɛmənɪm/, also referred to as a gentilic, is a name for a resident of a locality and is usually, though not always, derived from the name of a locality.[1] For example, the demonym for a resident of Britain is Briton; the demonym for a resident of Canada is Canadian; while the most common English language demonym for the people of the Netherlands is Dutch (though the words Netherlander and "Hollander" are also used).

1 《ローマ史》地方[属州]総督.
2 植民地[占領地]総督.

2013年5月30日 星期四

flibbertigibbet, ostensibly, scatterbrained, mad as a hatter

 Someone as “mad as a hatter” exhibits behavior similar to 18th and 19th century hat makers who stiffened felt cloth with mercury—an ingredient that after continued exposure causes dementia.

She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet.
She took a flat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and became a crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France from Nice to Nîmes to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents.

  • [flíbərtidʒìbit]
(FLIB-uhr-tee-jib-it) pronunciation

Someone who is regarded as flighty, scatterbrained, and talkative.

Apparently from the imitation of the sound of idle chatter
"But [Lesley Dormen] is hardly a flibbertigibbet. 'I am the opposite of flighty,' she said." — Celia Barbour; An Author Discovers; The New York Times; Apr 8, 2007.

1 ((英))軽薄な[おしゃべりな]人[女性];浮気女.
2 ((古))うわさ話.

Definition of scatterbrained


(of a person) disorganized and lacking in concentration: a scatterbrained blonde

2013年5月28日 星期二

bear down, bearer, cripple, crippling , polio, March of Dimes Wristbands

Polio Reappears in the Horn of Africa
The type of paralysis caused by polio has been found in a child in Somalia and one in Kenya, the World Health Organization said.

European Leaders Reach Long-Term Budget Deal

BRUSSELS — The deal, which came after two days of marathon negotiations, reflects the climate of austerity in a region still struggling to emerge from a crippling debt crisis.

Deadly Typhoon Leaves Japan; Nuclear Plant Intact
The powerful typhoon was bearing down on Japan's tsunami-ravaged northeastern coast Wednesday, approaching a nuclear power plant crippled in that disaster and prompting calls for the evacuation of more than a million people. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye) ...

Google to Shut Down Gizmo5
Hard OCP
If you are a Gizmo5 user and no one from Google has contacted you yet, I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news: Find another VoIP quickly. Google purchased the company back in 2009, took what it needed to augment Gmail/Gtalk and is scrapping the ...

March of Dimes Wristbands
March of Dimes Wristbands
March of Dimes Wristbands

March of Dimes: fundraising organization was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to raise funds for the battle against poliomyelitis; it later expanded its aim to the prevention of premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality (1938)

bear down,
1. Press or weigh down on someone or something. For example, This pen doesn't write unless you bear down hard on it. [Late 1600s]
2. Try hard, intensify one's efforts, as in If you'll just bear down, you'll pass the test.
3. Move forward in a pressing or threatening way, as in The ferry bore down on our little skiff. This usage was originally nautical. [Early 1700s]

1 ((形式))
(1) 運ぶ[になう]人, 運搬人;棺(ひつぎ)持ち
a flag bearer
(2) (伝言・うわさなどを)伝える人, 伝達者.
2 《法律》(小切手などの)持参人, 所持人
a note payable to (the) bearer
3 受け台, 支える物.
4 実のなる[花の咲く]草木.
5 在職[在任]者;官職者.
6 ((インド・パキスタン))男の召し使い.


crip • ple
cripples (複数形) • crippled (過去形) • crippled (過去分詞) • crippling (現在分詞) • cripples (三人称単数現在)
1 ((不快))手足の不自由な人[動物], 足(腰)の立たない人;((略式))(一般に)身体[精神]障害者
a war cripple
▼公式にはphysically disabledを用いる.
2 (窓掃除などの)脚立.
1 〈体の一部を〉不自由[不具]にする. ▼disableのほうが婉曲的
be crippled with polio
2 ((略式))〈活動・機能などを〉そこなう, だめにする.

Definition of polio


short for poliomyelitis.
[名][U]《病理学》脊髄(せきずい)灰白質炎, 脊髄性小児麻痺, ポリオ.pòlio・myelític[形]

2013年5月26日 星期日

ad hoc, lucid, ludology, ilinx, Fuhgeddaboudit!

Fair Game

Shareholders? Fuhgeddaboudit!


It's that time of year when shareholders speak their minds at annual meetings. But that doesn't mean the companies' boards are always listening.

拉尼爾的觀點和寫作風格清晰敏銳、容易理解,因此《誰擁有未來?》非常引人入勝。他呼籲的是什麼呢?只不過是「大眾尊嚴的特設構建」(The Ad Hoc Construction of Mass Dignity)。他傾向於大致勾勒出理念,遠甚於具體描述它們,但是正如他指出的,「如果你要當一個絕對論者,你就肯定當不好技術專家。」書中可能沒有 提供多少答案( 「讓我解決我在這裡推崇的做法所引起的所有問題,現在還為時太早」),但它闡明了我們十分迫切地需要答案。

Finally, standing out as a peak in Canetti's writings, are his memoirs, so far in two large volumes. In these recollections of his childhood and youth he reveals his forceful epic power of description to its full extent. A great deal of the political and cultural life in central Europe in the early 1900's - especially the form it took in Vienna - is reflected in the memoirs. The peculiar environments, the many remarkable human destinies with which Canetti has been confronted and his unique educational path - always aiming at universal knowledge - are seen here in a style and with a lucidity that have very few qualitative equivalents in the memoirs written in the German language during this century.

Do you agree with Proust that "each of us finds lucidity only in those ideas which are in the same state of confusion as his own"?

Ilinx is a kind of play, described by sociologist Roger Caillois, a major figure in ludology or the study of play. Ilinx creates a temporary disruption of perception, as with vertigo, dizziness, or disorienting changes in direction of movement. Caillois identified several categories of play in Les Jeux et Les Hommes (ISBN 978-2070326723; 1958, in English as Man, Play and Games ISBN 978-0252070334; 2001.) In the book, Caillois described the category of ilinx as games that:
"...are based on the pursuit of vertigo and which consist of an attempt to momentarily destroy the stability of perception and inflict a kind of voluptuous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind. In all cases, it is a question of surrendering to a kind of spasm, seizure, or shock which destroys reality with sovereign brusqueness."

Exercise to Protect Aging Bodies — and Brains

By Alice Park
A series of studies published on Monday in the 'Archives of Internal Medicine' add to the evidence that exercise can protect older adults from disease and foster lucid minds

ad hoc

Pronunciation: /ad ˈhɒk/
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Definition of ad hoc

adjective & adverb

  • created or done for a particular purpose as necessary: [as adjective]:the discussions were on an ad hoc basis [as adverb]:the group was constituted ad hoc


Latin, literally 'to this'

clearly expressed and easy to understand or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly:
She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.
The drugs she's taking make her drowsy and confused, but there are times when she's quite lucid.

noun [U] (ALSO lucidness)



--> ━━ a. 明白な, 明快な; 正気の; 澄んだ, 透明な; 〔詩〕 輝く, 明るい.


1. Forget about it - the issue is not worth the time, energy, mental effort, or emotional resources.

2. Definitively "no."

3. The subject is unequivocally excellent; further thought and analysis are unnecessary.

2013年5月25日 星期六

crumble,plum, plum cake, breathalyzer test,disrobed, naked shorts



Video Video: Ailing Bridges, Budget Woes
The bridge that collapsed near Seattle is part of a nationwide infrastructure that some say is crumbling beneath us.
. Related Article

Slide Show: Recipes for Summer Fruit
Three dozen ways to use peaches, berries and more, including pies and crumbles, cold soups and refreshing drinks.

 趙先生把第7章的plum cake和第9章的plum pudding分別譯成「梅子糕」與「梅子布丁」,但1957年啟明書局版則分別譯成「葡萄餅」與「葡萄乾布丁」。本書經查證後,分別譯為「水果蛋糕」 (第7章註13) 和「葡萄乾布丁」 (第9章註18)。

Well-Trod Path: Political Donor to Ambassador

Many of those who collectively raised more than a billion dollars to elect President Obama are also would-be diplomats, engaged in a scramble for about 30 plum embassy posts.

Mr. Yu’s daughter had died in a cascade of concrete and bricks, one of at least 240 students at a high school here who lost their lives in the May 12 earthquake. Mr. Yu became a leader of grieving parents demanding to know if the school, like so many others, had crumbled because of poor construction.

crumble (BREAK) verb
1 [I or T] to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces:
She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers. The cliffs on which the houses are built are starting to crumble.

2 [I] to weaken in strength and influence:
Support for the government is crumbling.

crumbly adjective
breaking easily into small pieces:
bread with a crumbly texture

crum・ble -->

━━ v. ぼろぼろ[こなごな]にする[なる]; 崩壊する ((away)).

━━ n. クランブル ((果物入り料理)).

crum・bly ━━ a., n. もろい; 〔俗〕 年寄り, 老人 (crum・blie)


plums (複数形)
1 西洋スモモ(の木), プラム. ▼木をさすときはplum treeがふつう.
3 (俗に)(日本の)梅(の木). ▼正式にはJapanese apricotまたは(m)ume.
4 干しブドウ.
5 [U]暗紫色, 紫紺色.
6 ((略式))すばらしい[望ましい]もの, (特に)要職, 思いがけない利得.
1 ((略式))〈仕事などが〉楽にもうかる, おいしい;すばらしい, 最高の.
2 スモモ色の.

plúm cáke[plúm cáke]

The New Naked Shorts A group of artists showed Wall Street, and a few Manhattan police officers, what they're made of on Monday. Almost 50 people dropped their trousers and otherwise disrobed in the streets of lower Manhattan to comment on the state of the economy and the role finance played in the recession.

Testing the Limits of Tipsy Many factors alter the effects of alcohol. To illustrate the point, we put dinner-party guests to a breathalyzer test.

A blackberry and apple crumble
A crumble is a dish of British origin that can be made in a sweet or savoury version, depending on ingredients used, although the sweet version is much more common. A sweet variety usually contains stewed fruit topped with a crumbly mixture of fat (usually butter), flour, and sugar. A savoury version uses meat, vegetables and a sauce for the filling, with cheese replacing sugar in the crumble mix. The crumble is baked in an oven until the topping is crisp. The dessert variety is often served with custard, cream or ice cream as a hearty, warm dessert after a meal. The savoury variety can be served along with accompanying vegetables.

Rhubarb crumble

Rhubarb and apple crumble pizzette
Popular fruits used in crumbles include apple, blackberry, peach, rhubarb, gooseberry, and plum. The topping may also include rolled oats, ground almonds or other nuts, and sometimes sour milk (e.g. vinegar and milk) is added to give the crumble a more extravagant taste. Brown sugar is often sprinkled over the crumble topping, which caramelises slightly when the pudding is baked. In some recipes the topping is made from broken biscuits (cookies in American English) or even breakfast cereals, but this is not traditional.
Crumbles originated in Britain during World War II.[1] Due to strict rationing the ingredients required to make the bases of pies contained too much of the necessary flour, fat and sugar to make the pastry. So a simple mixture of flour, margarine and sugar was used to make the top of the crumble. The dish was also popular due to its simplicity.
In some parts of America a very similar dish may be called a crisp. It is also similar to a fruit cobbler (popular in the USA), although the topping for a cobbler is generally smoother and more cake-like.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (18). "Simply the best". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2010-04-14.

2013年5月24日 星期五

the ideal fit for, rebalance, conclave, The China Currency Syndrome

 C.I.A. to Focus More on Spying, a Difficult Shift


Some American officials and outside experts believe it could take years for a spy agency that has evolved into a paramilitary service to rebalance its activities.

Mutual funds and other large stockholders may rebalance holdings in the auto sector afterGeneral Motors's initial public offering, but day-to-day stock prices are not the main measure ofFord Motor's turnaround, Ford's executive chairman, Bill Ford, said.

Hewlett-Packard said Monday it was making an offer to acquire 3par for $24 in cash per share, putting an enterprise value on the deal of $1.6 billion.

The company said that its bid represented a 33 percent premium over the offer
Dell had made. People briefed on the deal said that HP had made an earlier offer, in talks that were initiated while Mark Hurd was still head of the company.

"HP's proposal offers superior value to 3PAR's shareholders. Our global reach, strong routes to market and commitment to innovation uniquely position HP as the ideal fit for 3PAR," said Dave Donatelli, an executive vice president at the firm.

Dell said last week that it had a deal to acquire 3PAR for $1.15 billion in cash.

The China Currency Syndrome
World leaders would do better to worry less about imbalances and more about whether their own nations are pursuing policies that contribute to global prosperity.

The best that can be said for China's weekend decision to drop its dollar peg and again adopt more "exchange-rate flexibility" is that it may avert a trade war. What no one should believe is that China's move will "rebalance" the world economy or send manufacturing jobs rushing back to America.
The People's Bank of China asserted that its decision was made in China's own economic interests, and no doubt that's true. But its timing a week before the Group of 20 meeting in Toronto is no coincidence, comrade. China did not want its exchange rate to become the conclave's ...

conclave (1) 秘密會議:教宗選舉時樞機主教所召開的秘密會議。 (2) 教宗選舉所。
conclavist :會場隨員:指選舉教宗者-樞機之隨員。

Vatican debates moving conclave forward to elect new pope

con·clave (kŏn'klāv', kŏng'-) pronunciation
  1. A secret or confidential meeting.
  2. Roman Catholic Church.
    1. The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope.
    2. The meeting held to elect a new pope.
  3. A meeting of family members or associates.
[Middle English, private chamber, conclave of cardinals, from Latin conclāve, lockable room : com-, com- + clāvis, key.]
conclave (1) 秘密會議:教宗選舉時樞機主教所召開的秘密會議。 (2) 教宗選舉所。
conclavist :會場隨員:指選舉教宗者-樞機之隨員。

Definition of rebalance


[with object]
restore the correct balance to; balance again or differently:the Pilates method aims to rebalance and restore correct posture