2013年5月24日 星期五

shirty, on fire, jetset, enthusiastic

A reader writes:
“Latest bit of government systems thinking in action that I tripped over due to my book-keeper's illness.........you get a bit behind with paying your monthly Tax and NI bill. You realise that and pay it. A month later you get a shirty letter reminding you to pay. When you ring up to point out etc they say: 'sorry what we do is send out blanket reminders to everyone without checking whether they have actually paid. Then we wait for you to ring up.'

"On fire" Adidas steps up sales goal
Chicago Tribune
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Adidas said soaring demand from the United States, China and Russia for its sneakers would offset a profit hit from the Japan earthquake, allowing it to raise its sales outlook for the second time this year. ...

When Lobotomy Was Seen as Advanced

New research indicating that Eva Perón was lobotomized not long before her death is a reminder of how enthusiastically this operation was once embraced.

An international social set made up of wealthy people who travel from one fashionable place to another.

jet-set jet'-set' (jĕt'sĕt') or jet'-set'ting (-sĕt'ĭng) adj.
jet setter jet setter n.

jét sèt[jét sèt]
((the 〜))((集合的))((古風))ジェット族:ジェット機で遊び回る金持ち連中.
[名]jet setの一人.
on fire

1. mod. very attractive or sexy. Look at those jetset people! Each one of them is just on fire.
2. mod. doing very well; very enthusiastic. Fred is on fire in his new job. He'll get promoted in no time.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[inθùːziǽstik | -θjùː-]

1 熱心[熱狂的]な;(…に)熱中している, 夢中である((for, about, over ...)). ⇒EAGER[類語]
enthusiastic praise
an enthusiastic admirer of a singer
be enthusiastic about one's studies
2 (物・事に)熱中[没頭]するたちの.
[副]熱心に, 熱狂して.

shirty (SHUHR-tee)

adjective: Bad-tempered, irritable.

From the expression "to get someone's shirt out" to annoy or to lose one's temper. Earliest documented use: 1846.

"We can appreciate why Lukie Muhlemann is a little agitated and shirty, but he should remember that CSFB [Credit Suisse First Boston] is essentially a law unto itself." — Ian Kerr; A Week in the Markets; Euroweek (London); Jan 26, 2001.

shirty (adjective) (British informal) Ill-tempered or annoyed.
Usage:He was a bit shirty with her when she arrived late.
