2011年10月19日 星期三

piñata, innards, all-new, GOP

Slim Profit for Amazon's Tablet
Two early studies of the innards of Amazon.com's new Kindle Fire point to what many people suspected already—the company isn't making much, if anything at all, on the $199 device's hardware.
When Harry Should Avoid Meeting Sally

You’re better off not meeting your personal pinatas — you’d run the risk of being pleasantly surprised.

Apple Unveils Its Latest iPhone

Although the new phone looks like its predecessor, the iPhone 4S is packed with better innards.

Apple Unveils New iPhone

New 4S will have all-new hardware, but not all-new look or the iPhone 5 name.

Poll: Most Don't Know What "GOP" Stands For

In survey, 35 percent guess "Government of the People."


Grand Old Party (Republican Party)


(ĭn'ə rdz) pronunciation
pl.n. Informal
  1. Internal bodily organs; viscera.
  2. The inner parts, as of a machine.

[Alteration of inwards, pl. of INWARD .]


(pēn-yä') pronunciation
A decorated container filled with candy and toys suspended from a height, intended to be broken by blindfolded children with sticks, and used as part of Christmas and birthday celebrations in certain Latin-American countries or at children's parties.

[Spanish, from Italian pignatta, a kind of pot, probably from dialectal pigna, pine cone (from its shape), from Latin pīnea. See pineal.]
