2013年8月22日 星期四

sing, sing about, opera, The opera isn't over till the fat lady sings

After years of wreaking havoc, the internet is helping media companies to grow. PricewaterhouseCoopers, a professional-services firm, reckons that revenues for online media and entertainment will increase by around 13% a year for the next five years. Even in music, which took the biggest hit from the internet, downloads are something to sing about http://econ.st/1bAA5Um
昆曲 也是一種opera

(ŏp'ər-ə, ŏp') pronunciation
  1. A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music.
  2. The score of such a work.
  3. A theater designed primarily for operas.
[Italian, work, opera, from Latin, work, service.]
[名][U][C]歌劇, オペラ(形式, 芸術);オペラの総譜[歌詞, 興行];((時にO-))歌劇場, オペラ劇場
go to the opera
The opera isn't over till the fat lady sings. 事はまだ終わっていない, 勝負は最後までわからない.

Attempts to determine the identity of the diva concerned have been inconclusive.
The opera isn't over till the fat lady sings. ‥One day three years ago, Ralph Carpenter, who was then Texas Tech's sports information director, declared to the press box contingent in Austin, ‘The rodeo ain't over till the bull riders ride.’ Stirred to top that deep insight, San Antonio sports editor Dan Cook countered with, ‘The opera ain't over till the fat lady sings.’
[1978 Washington Post 13 June B1]
As soon as the big blond Brünnhilde finished, it was over. All I could think about was the classic line about the opera never being over until the fat lady sings.
[1988 D. L. Gilbert Black Star Murders viii.]
‘You know, they say that the show's never over until the fat lady sings,’ Mr Bolger said. ‘Well, I think it was her we heard warming up in the wings this week.’
[1992 Independent 11 Aug. 7]
[T]he Royal Opera House's leading lady whose dress was set on fire by an on-stage candle is a classic case of it ain't over till the fat lady singes.
[2002 Times 2 July 19]
Related to: finality

[イタリア語←ラテン語opera (opus仕事+-a名詞複数語尾). △OPERATE


sings (複数形) • sang (過去形) • sung (過去分詞) • singing (現在分詞) • sings (三人称単数現在)
sing along, sing out, sing up, (全3件)
[動](sang 〔sǽ〕 or((時に))sung 〔s〕, sung, 〜・ing)(自)
1I([副])]歌う;歌い続ける((away, on))
sing to a piano accompaniment
sing to a person
2 〈鳥が〉さえずる;〈虫が〉鳴く, 鳴き続ける(( away, on)).
3 〈湯わかしが〉チンチン鳴る;〈小川などが〉サラサラ音を立てる;〈楽器の弦が〉音を奏でる;〈弾丸などが〉ビューッという音を立てる;〈耳が〉(…のせいで)鳴る, 耳鳴りがする, 〈頭が〉がんがんする((from ...))
The arrow sang past his neck.
His ears were singing from the scolding he took.
4 歌を作る, 作詩する;((文))詩[歌]に作る;(…を)賛美する, 祝って歌う((of ...))
Shelley sang for only a short time.
Wordsworth sang of the common man.
5 〈詩などが〉歌える, 歌になる.
6 〈胸が〉(喜びで)高鳴る.
7 ((米俗))自白する, 「歌う」, 密告する, 裏切る.
1 〈歌などを〉歌う, 吟じる;[sing A B/sing B to [for] A]〈A(人)にB(歌)を〉歌ってやる
sing him a song [=sing a song for him
2 (←(自))…に歌って(…)させる
sing a baby to sleepasleep
3 (←(自))…を歌って過ごす[忘れる]((away));〈年を〉を歌って送る[迎える]((out;in))
sing the blues away
sing the old year out and the new year in
4 …を唱える
sing mass
5 ((文))…を詩[歌]に歌う, 詩[歌]に歌ってたたえる;…を礼賛する.
sing along
(歌っている人・演奏(者)に)合わせて歌う, 合唱する((with ...)).
sing out
(自)大声で歌う;大声を上げる, 叫ぶ.
[sing ... out/sing out ...]
sing up
1 (弾丸などの)ビューッと鳴る音, うなる音.
2 歌うこと, 歌唱;((主に米))合唱の集い.
[古英語singan. △ドイツ語singen]
