2010年11月24日 星期三

Lancet Oncology, acupuncturist

衛生署日前核准抑制腫瘤新生血管的標靶藥物,用於治療非鱗狀非小細胞肺癌。今年度「刺針腫瘤醫學期刊」(Lancet Oncology)發表研究成果,首度證實,此抗血管新生標靶藥物合併化療,可提升中位存活期達14.6個月。 台北榮民總醫院胸腔部胸腔腫瘤科主任蔡俊明表示,他所參與 ...
Acupuncturist Treats 40 Players in 4 Cities
Acupuncturist Treats 40 Players in 4 Cities

lan·cet (lăn'sĭt) pronunciation
  1. Medicine. A surgical knife with a short, wide, pointed double-edged blade, used especially for making punctures and small incisions. Also called lance.
  2. Architecture.
    1. A lancet arch.
    2. A lancet window.
[Middle English, from Old French, diminutive of lance, lance. See lance.]

IN BRIEF: A sharp two-edged surgical instrument.

pronunciation The nurse used a lancet to extract just a drop of blood from the patient's finger.
