- In, to, or toward the rear: We walked behind.
- In a place or condition that has been passed or left: I left my gloves behind.
- In arrears; late: I fell behind in my payments.
- Below the standard level; in or into an inferior position: Don't fall behind in class.
- Slow: My watch is running behind.
- Archaic. Yet to come.
- At the back of or in the rear of: He sat behind her.
- On the farther side or other side of; beyond: The broom is behind the door.
- In a place or time that has been passed or left by: Their worries are behind them.
- Later than: The plane was behind schedule.
- Used to indicate deficiency in performance: behind us in technological development.
- Hidden or concealed by: hatred hidden behind a bland smile.
- In the background of; underlying: Behind your every action is self-interest.
- In a position or attitude of support: The leaders have the army behind them.
- In pursuit of: The police were hard behind the escapees.
Informal. The buttocks.