2010年5月13日 星期四

fib/The survival of the fibbest

The survival of the fibbest
New studies suggest that lying starts young—as young as 2 years old—and that what happens in our brains when we lie is different in adults than children.

c. f. The survival of the fittest

1. World's Most Shocking Apology: Oprah to James Frey By Belinda Luscombe
After annihilating James Frey on live TV for fibbing in his memoir, Oprah tells the author of 'A Million Little Pieces' she owes him "an apology"


An insignificant or childish lie.

intr.v., fibbed, fib·bing, fibs.

To tell a fib. See synonyms at lie2.

[Perhaps from obsolete and dialectal fible-fable, nonsense, reduplication of FABLE.]

fibber fib'ber n.
