2009年7月25日 星期六

Kevlar, sell, impeccable, hold your own

Police departments issue their officers Kevlar vests to stop bullets, and thick helmets and even shields to protect them from bottles and bricks. But there is nothing in the equipment room to give an officer thicker skin.

The Funeral: Your Last Chance to Be a Big Spender 

A willingness to cater to individual tastes is helping the funeral industry hold its own during the recession.

The incident took place on Sunday about 75 miles off the coast of Hainan Island, just south of the Chinese mainland. The American vessel, the Impeccable, was carrying out a surveillance mission that involved towing sonar equipment designed for anti-submarine warfare, Pentagon officials said.

2. Are Evangelicals Really Sold on Palin?

Viewpoint: Her anti-abortion credentials are impeccable. But some of her views are at odds with younger Evangelicals

sell (PERSUADE) Show phonetics
verb [T] soldsold
to persuade someone that an idea or plan is a good one and likely to be successful:
My boss is very old-fashioned and I'm having a lot of trouble selling the idea of working at home occasionally.
[+ two objects] The chance of greater access to European markets would help sell the President the scheme/sell the scheme to the President.
She's really sold on the idea of buying a new car.impeccable Show phonetics
perfect, with no problems or bad parts:
impeccable taste/manners/credentials
His English is impeccable.

━━ a. 罪を犯さない; 欠点のない, 非のうちどころない.
impeccably Show phonetics
She was impeccably dressed.

hold your own (ALSO hold your (own) ground)
to be as successful as other people or things in a situation:
Josie can hold her own in any argument.

Kevlar 杜邦公司的強力纖維
