2024年12月24日 星期二

rickety, rickets, onomatopoeic. ABC No Rio.The organization took ownership of building that year, but it was deemed too rickety to survive.Credit...

A courtyard with a few green plants, lots of colorful graffiti on the walls and a few people sitting in an odd assortment of mismatched chairs.
The graffiti-covered courtyard of ABC No Rio at 156 Rivington Street, on the Lower East Side, in 2006. The organization took ownership of building that year, but it was deemed too rickety to survive.Credit...James Estrin/The New York Times

"No Rio" is a phrase that may refer to ABC No Rio, an art-making center that was intended to be a community-oriented alternative to the art world and gallery sceneThe name was originally "Abogado Con Notario," which is Spanish for "lawyer and notary public". However, only the letters "Ab C No rio" remained. 

Mr. Englander, wearing jeans and a long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of sunglasses dangling from the neckline, sitting on a small desk. There’s a computer on the desk and a black box, and a phone and papers on a wooden shelf, and drawings of cartoon figures on the wall.
Mr. Englander in his office in ABC No Rio’s Rivington Street building in 2006.Credit...James Estrin/The New York Times

The chosen words are mostly regional, often monosyllabic, and frequently richly onomatopoeic: the natural poetry of the heterogeneous English-speaking tongue. 

A rickety rebound
The global economy is gaining momentum. But only in America is the acceleration likely to last 2

Beyond the clearly imitative words, like the onomatopoeic “boom,” “poof” and “gong,” Blount zeroes in on the expressive words that “somehow sensuously evoke the essence of the word: ‘queasy’ or ‘rickety’ or ‘zest’ or ‘sluggish’ or ‘vim,’ ”he writes.


Pronunciation: /ˌɒnə(ʊ)matəˈpiːɪk/ 

Definition of onomatopoeic in English:



Using or relating to onomatopoeia:onomatopoeic words like ‘bang’ and ‘coo


Pronunciation: /ˈrɪkɪti/
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  • 1(of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse:we went carefully up the rickety stairs figurativea rickety banking system
  • 2affected by rickets: poverty was evident in undernourished faces or rickety legs





late 17th century: from rickets + -y1


Pronunciation: /ˈrɪkɪts/
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[mass noun treated as singular or plural] Medicine[名][U]《病理学》くる病, 骨軟化症.
  • a disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency, characterized by imperfect calcification, softening, and distortion of the bones typically resulting in bow legs.


mid 17th century: perhaps an alteration of Greek rhakhitis (see rachitis)
